Not even pictures of beautiful boids made me smile as much as that one of you, Joe, crossing the finish line.
Thank you cj and Roberta. There's another from about the same angle that doesn't show me almost holding hands with that girl (My wife like that picture better. hmmm)
And thank you, Farmerman, writing clearly means as much to me as running well. I am going to go back to pick out the meaty parts.
I am starting back slow, george, but not for the right reasons. Things have kind of piled up around here in the past month and now I am trying to unpile them.
There is a race on Sunday.
And we are having a dishwasher delivered Friday and the first of the family @Thanksgiving visits are coming up.
Joe(I need some stuff to phone in)Nation
New Yorker submission guidelines:
Evidently they will read unsolicited manuscripts.
If you submit by late spring, you might make an 11/08 topical issue.
Thank you, Noddy. I'm looking into it.
Joe( I have to get a runner's high first)Nation