Iced down the back on the knee yesterday and for a few minutes this morning. Darn thing was stiff all day until about four o'clock when I noticed ---- all was normal. What the... ?
Still not going to Queens, it's insanity. You have to leave midtown at 4AM and get bussed over to the start, then wait for two hours or so for the rest of the busses to get there (4am is the first bus out, so I guess I could chance taking a later one,) ANY way, then you run it and then you wait for the bus to take you back to midtown. They put the thing way out on the North Shore so there really isn't any good way of getting there by subway.
Did I mention how I screwed up yesterday? I had the whole thing planned out. Run down the river (7 miles) then do two laps of the park (6 miles each). Make sure to take plenty of gels and OOPS Jargon Alert!

Gels are these little packets of goop flavored like strawberrys or oranges or bananas which the runner (that's me) slurps down every 45 minutes or so while running. Some runners swear that good old jelly beans work just as well but I can just see myself inhaling a couple of them instead of ingesting them. I've used them in the last two runs of over 13 miles and in three of the four half marathons and I like the way they seem to bring you a burst of good feeling.
So the above run was going to take me something over three hours to do, so I got a fistful of gels out of the cabinet and put them right next to my Fuel belt. (Yes, I have a Fuel Belt)

I fill it full of Gatorade and fill the pocket full of Gels (Strawberry!! Yum) and head out down the river.
I am rumbling along feeling great and loving the way I am actually passing traffic on the West Side Highway (it's rush hour 7:30Am) when I get to the four mile mark and reach back for my first Gel.
>>Crappola! No gel! I forgot to put them IN the belt. So now I have a problem. There is plenty of water on the river and in the park and I have the Gatorade swinging from my hips, but will I really need the extra energy from the gels???
I get my answer about half way around the Park at about the ten mile mark. My right leg is doing that back on the knee thing and my attitude is fading and I start to plot just where and when I will quit. Luckily, just beyond the ten mile point is the statue of Fred LeBow
and the finish miles of the real Marathon. (I planned to run the finish miles twice.) I never let the Coach down.
What a guy!
So I chugged, mugged, slugged and bugged my way down Cat Hill and up through the horse carriages and around the corner to the end.
Then I quit.
And a good thing too. I was exhausted all day today and I think it's because of using up a lot of carbohydrates without any replenishment.
Joe(So I'm eating my broccoli, bagel and a little steak.)Nation