I am now 7:31 faster at the 13.1 distance than I was last year (8/27).
I weight the same 199 pounds, it must be the lung power.
I had this really bright idea. Last year it took forever to get home from Battery Park. The 1 train didn't arrive and didn't arrive and when it did 10,000 runners tried to get on. So...
this genius said
"I'll bring money and take a cab home."
So I did.
Bring money that is.
After I got my dry clothes off of the baggage truck (they let you send a bag of clothes to the finish line, isn't that nice?) I changed my shirt and pulled a pair of baggy shorts up over my soaking wet running shorts. (Very comfortable) I walked up to Wall Street, avoided the three hundred Japanese tourists trying to have their picture taken in front of the Bull.

(Not kidding or mis-counting) and I raised my arm to attract the attention of any passing cab. It was then I noticed that surrounding me were the same 10,000 runners from last year, only this time WITH their families, all trying to catch a taxi uptown.
The genius started walking.
He walked to a Burger King which was just opening for the day (10AM) ordered the largest Diet Coke (really HUGE) and then hiked to the World Trade Center to take the E train uptown.
I got home at 10:45, showered and slid back into the bed I had left at 4AM.
Joe(the Nations slept until 1pm and then went to brunch)Nation