This has been a much better week. 26 miles with really good runs spread out over the days. ( tomorrow is a rest day,)
Yesterday marked the 100 days until the Nov Marathon.
I am bearing down.
I am bearing up.
Some of my bearings are worn.
I got a new pair of shoes. Brooks. I used to run in that brand a long time ago. These are Adrenaline GTS 7s

Isn't that the silliest name for a shoe anyone could think of.
What was that creative meeting like?
Phil, we need a name for the 989th style of shoe.
Hmmmm, how about MethAmphetamine 100?
Er, I like the drug theme, what else you got?
Uh,,,,crack, no, uh, Ritalin ,,,,, .
Sylvia, can you help Phil out here?
Epinephrine 2007. All the kids know that one from CSI.
Yeah.... listen, why don't you two get back to me on this later?
Joe(my right foot doesn't hurt. That's good.)Nation