Well, I am still here somewhere beneath the piles of schoolwork and stress, and I have managed to surface for a moment!
Bella Dea wrote:As for taking the dog, maybe he felt that was the only thing in the world that still gave him unconditional love and he wanted to take that with him.
Ah, Bella, thank you for that; I hadn't been able to come up with any possible ways to look at it other than as just another way to lash out at the family. I'll never know what the truth of the matter was, but it's good to have another possibility to bear in mind that is less ugly.
Noddy24 wrote:I was in my early twenties then and spent a great deal of time in Tumultuous Ethical Quandary. I decided that everyone is entitled to choose their own interior mental furniture--providing this doesn't present a clear and present danger to themselves or to other people.
Oh dear, even at my age Noddy was wiser than me...
I've had the phrase "let them choose their own mental furniture" rattling around in my mind all day, and I'm trying to really embrace that. This certainly is not a strong suit of mine *cough cough* but I know I need to work on doing that...Especially, it seems to me, when it comes to my m-i-l; there's certainly no reason for me to talk to her about any of my real feelings about f-i-l. (BTW, we did get married a few months ago, so it's really official: I am legally a part of the madness...
I haven't had any problems with holding my tongue around Mr C's mom, because it's so clear that all she needs right now is someone to hold her hand and listen, and because I just don't feel like it's at all my place to say anything about her husband. But Mr C and I always talk so much about everything that it's hard not to say exactly what I think about things with him.