Let's take a look at was this jerkoff actually has to say.
Quote:HH: Here's John Burns on that subject from last week.
JB: If the United Nations is correct in saying that 3,700 Iraqi civilians died in October, and that's a morgue's count. It may be an underestimate, we don't know. But he said if it's correct that 3,700 people died in October across Iraq, think about this. You take the American troops away in this situation, leaving Shiite death squads to move into Adamiya in force, without any kind of protection, he said it won't be 3,700 dead in the month, it will be 3,700 dead in the night in Adamiya. Now that may be an exaggeration, but it reflects the kind of fears that are quite widespread, amongst Sunnis in particular, but also to some extent amongst Shiites in Iraq about the consequences of an American troop withdrawal.
HH: So General, should we be indifferent to that?
WO: Yes.
Here he show's he doesn't care if the violence escalates 30 times, we should just turn the blind eye.
Quote:HH: Did you see any hope for Saddam's regime to change, General?
WO: No.
HH: Would his sons have been at least as worse as he was if
WO: Sure.
Here he admits Saddam wouldn't change and that the next generation would be no better.
Quote:HH: And so
WO: And I can think if dictators much worse than him that we don't bother with.
HH: But of course, he had attempted
WO: So why do we pick out this one among all the dictators in the world we could pick out and go overthrow?
Standard liberal Tu Quoque. (So what she was raped... it's not as bad as that rape over there... and there's lots of rapes, so, so what.)
Quote:HH: Well, because he shot at American planes because he
WO: He
we shot at him.
HH: Well, he had U.N. resolutions that were being enforced by American planes
WO: And we were doing a pretty good job of containing him.
Evades the question, then offers an answer to a question that wasn't asked... but then gets pinned down.
Quote:HH: But that's one
he was clearly hostile to the United States, right, General?
WO: Sure.
He goes on to admit Iraq did provide the Casus Belli for the war by attacking U.S. planes.
Quote:HH: I'm actually just trying to figure out what you think Iraq would look like if after four months hence, we leave, what it would look like in a year?
WO: It's going to look worse if we stay.
HH: I know that, but what do you think it will look like? I know you believe that
WO: I don't know. I don't know. You don't know, and it's just a guess. And I don't see killing more Americans based on your guess.
HH: Did you see Cambodia coming, General?
WO: And following
let me ask you. Are you enthusiastic enough to put on a uniform and go?
Standard liberal dodge of the question. He continues to dodge for a while, but HH does a pretty good job of boxing him in...
Quote:HH: I want to hear it, and I want
but I want to know what you think it's going to look like, because I'm not indifferent to the aftermath.
WO: I don't know. I'm prepared to accept whatever it looks like, if it's not killing Americans, and we're not losing U.S. resources, because eventually, it will settle out out there, and our capacity to help it settle out earlier with allies will be greatly improved. I think actually, that it will come out much better than these scare pictures you're describing, and I include John Burns as somewhat of a scaremonger in this regard.
Here he clearly demonstrates he doesn't care what happens when we leave; we'll be in a better position after the slaughter.
Quote:HH: All right. Next in your article, you wrote, "We must continue the war to prevent Iran's influence from growing in Iraq." That's one of the arguments you attribute to proponents of staying. And I do believe that's a very important issue. Do you believe that Iran is intent on acquiring nuclear weapons?
WO: Sure. They're going to get them.
HH: And should we do anything to stop that?
WO: No.
Great plan, that.
Quote:HH: Do you believe that they were responsible for the massacre of the Jews at the synagogue in South America?
WO: They might well have been.
HH: Do you believe that they have armed Hezbollah with the rockets that rain down on Israel?
WO: Yes.
So they regularly supply weapons to terrorists, but that's OK.
Overall, the undertone is quite clear. If Americans aren't dying, General Odom couldn't care less what the magnitude of suffering around the world is. This isn't really your philosophy, Blatham, so you should trot this imbecile out to make your points. Whether Iraq turns into Cambodia or Rwanda, this A-hole couldn't care less... as long as Americans aren't included in the deaths. Think about it. 30 times worse than today's killing numbers. That's front row seat to a genocide proportions, and this guy thinks that's A-OK... because in the aftermath; the world community
might actually be willing to step in and help. And who cares if religious extremists who already supply terrorists acquire nuclear weapons. I'm glad this fool is retired.