Noddy24 wrote:At just-past-two my younger son flew into a rage with the first Mr. Noddy and cursed, "!"
I've always assumed that the rhyming cognate escaped him and he settled for an "uck" word with some personal substance.
Did you whip his butt for calling him a bad word like I did!?!
Seriously I had to put her on a time out for calling me a bad word, but it was difficult to sound mad.
Since she was so mad at me, I asked if she would prefer to trade me in for a new mommy. She said yes - I want a new mommy that looks just like you, but doesn't get mad at me.
I thought that over and said, well should I trade you in for a new 4 year old that looks just like you but doesn't fuss? She said no mommy. I said I wouldn't trade you even if you were fussy all the time. And she said I won't trade you in even if you are mad at me all the time. Now it has become a little saying between the two of us.