Craven de Kere wrote:Yes, I am not speaking of occurances on this thread, hopefully all the talk of ogling isn't in reference to happenings on this thread either. :-)
Coolness. (Hmm, maybe I better not get that webcam...

I don't get this sentence, sorry:
"If not for the discomfort they would be giving if it were a real situation for their aid in propagating a stereotype about men."
Are you saying that if they were more comfortable (i.e. no photographer) they would be giving aid? Or that... oh, actually, I think I just got it. They all bother you, if not because (if this were a real situation) they would be causing the woman to feel uncomfortable, then because they are helping to propagate a stereotype about men.
I just talked to E.G. -- neither of us really remember the specifics of that conversation, but I think we basically re-enacted it.

I said,
"you know that postcard..."
"...that girl in Italy?"
"Right... do you remember we talked about it when we first started dating? What did you say?"
"I dunno... she's hot?"
At any rate, then I explained about the bus, yadda yadda and he remembered and had some interesting things to say. He said imagining a bus full of gay guys doesn't work -- imagine a bathhouse, or a bar, something with a bit more menace. He's been there, done that, (bathhouse in Budapest, trying to take a shower with a guy lounging in the doorway a few feet away, checking him out) and says that's a better analogy. I brought up your homophobia comment, Craven, and he said no, that's not the point... it's not about being scared of gay people qua gay people, it's being scared of one specific guy who has a sexual interest in you that is not reciprocated, and who can do something about that sexual interest, against your will, if you're not careful.