So, this is the first true test of the Cape Cod Flyover.... or is it the Bourne Flyover? Or the Canal Flyover?
Mitt Romney finally pushed through a plan (it'd been shuffled around for some time) to take out the cumbersome rotary on the mainland side of the canal and put in a straight road which leads directly up to the bridge that crosses to the cape side. Now, the rotary was there for a reason. It allowed traffic to merge onto the bridge from three directions as well as letting people off the bridge. But, the trip became ever more difficult as more and more tourists visited during the summer and as more and more residents commuted to mainland jobs.
Memorial Day weekend is the start of the summer season on CC. The wait at the bridge, sitting in hot, mostly stopped traffic) could add 20-40 minutes onto to a trip on or off the cape. Traffic could be backed up for miles. The Globe is reporting (I just checked) that the traffic was moving much more quickly (20 MPH!) and has deemed the Flyover a success. Locals aren't so sure (listen to their worries at this NPR website -
NPR). We'll have a better picture later in the summer.
Oh, and it's the Sagamore Flyover.