Thanks for the update. That sounds like a vicious run... especially for a pro. I played 5/10 on a ship the other night and was shocked at how hard they come to play. I had no business sitting down with under $1,000 and hadn't came prepared. I had come for a $200 tourney that was cancelled for lack of players, and felt like dead money from the moment I sat down.

11 guys stuffed around a single table, opening bets in the $25 to $50 range is definitely NOT what I had in mind. I'm still debating whether or not I should risk getting in that game at all... because it seems too expensive. As near as I could figure; half the guys at that table were there every night, and the other half was there to feed them. (One Donkey must have dropped $1,000 an hour, but didn't seem to mind.) I was in the latter group, too (

), or would have been had I not had the sense to realize I was underfinanced and walk after only a few hands. I wound up spending most of my time watching UFC instead. I did win $40 worth of Gasoline in a drawing. :cool:
What's a normal game like down by you?