We can spin the issue any way that we want. The point is that it was a ghastly mistake to spend so much money for the touch screen machines that had a built in fault, and the new governor is attempting to correct that mistake.
I really don't give a damn at the former whys and wherefores. We all can be Monday morning quarterbacks, but that is meaningless. I am happy that Charlie Crist has the balls to do something about the situation!
good for you phoenix, that's the attitude.
Baldimo wrote:edgarblythe wrote:I would expect them to be held the same way the old paper ballots were held. If they could manage it then, why not now?
Since we are on the issue of voting machines what happened to all the talk about voting fraud? We have heard nothing but accusations about voting fraud and how the Reps have been cheating for the last 3 elections. Now the Dems win and all the talk about fraud and cheating has all but disappeared. Did all the issues with voting fraud get fixed? No I don't think it did, I just think the Rep's were winning fair and square and the Dems didn't like it so they complained. Now they won and all is right with the world. It only took shaking the voting faith of the American public for cheap political gain.
We have had threads about this since the last election.
For instance, this one.
Phoenix32890 wrote:We can spin the issue any way that we want. The point is that it was a ghastly mistake to spend so much money for the touch screen machines that had a built in fault, and the new governor is attempting to correct that mistake.
I really don't give a damn at the former whys and wherefores. We all can be Monday morning quarterbacks, but that is meaningless. I am happy that Charlie Crist has the balls to do something about the situation!
Until it gets corrected, I very much give a damn.
I just read that Florida is doiong away with electronic voting machines. Can somebody confirm this?
cicerone imposter wrote:I just read that Florida is doiong away with electronic voting machines. Can somebody confirm this?
That's the opening post of the thread, CI.
Phoenix32890 wrote:edgarblythe wrote:Until it gets corrected, I very much give a damn.
What would be the point? It would not change anything................even if someone was elected in error. The issue is that Crist IS doing something about it!
You don't want to correct it to keep it from happening in the future?
Well, the agonizing comes with figuring out what went wrong, in my view. Part of human nature to resent being screwed. My main concern is for honesty in elections. Some who are okay with the result of the disputed elections (not you Phoenix) are short sighted enough to not see that either party is capable of such behavior.
Edgarblythe- Taking it to its simplest essence, voting machines that are run by computers, with no paper trail, is a totally unsatisfactory way to count votes. Anyone who has had his computer crash knows this. Anyone who knows that computers can be hacked knows this.
Touch screen voting machines may be very sexy, but they too open to skullduggery to be used for such an important function.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Edgarblythe- Taking it to its simplest essence, voting machines that are run by computers, with no paper trail, is a totally unsatisfactory way to count votes. Anyone who has had his computer crash knows this. Anyone who knows that computers can be hacked knows this.
Touch screen voting machines may be very sexy, but they too open to skullduggery to be used for such an important function.
Exactly my reason for starting this thread.
Of course both parties are dishonest. Instead of ohio and florida think Il (chicago) and NY NY.
Change that to "ALL" parties. It is human nature to want to win.
That is why everything should be able to be checked by those that aren't in power. The whole process needs to be open not just paper ballots. Any loopholes will lead to attempt to game the system such as bringing in people not eligible to vote or preventing people that are eligible.