HBG, that is precisely the problem
the "Our son of a bitch" syndrome.
Iraq Vs. Iran
Iraq= Our son of a bitch.
Russia Vs. Germany
Russia= Our son of a bitch.
Afghanistan Vs. Russia
Afghanistan= Our son of a bitch.
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud Vs. Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah= Our son of a bitch.
Pervez Musharraf Vs. Pakistan
Musharraf= Our son of a bitch.
Saddam Hussein used to be our son of a bitch, until he went off the reservation and attacked our other son of a bitch. By the time we decided to finish him off; consensus was impossible, partly because he was, by then, France's son of a bitch.
Opposition to Iran is tough now partly because it's France's son of a bitch. Clearly, "The West" doesn't always share sons of bitches.
It isn't enough to share business interests with our allies for political harmony. The hatred of Saudis is in my opinion just. After all, our son of a bitch
is standing on their necks. Pitifully, in the last several decades we've increased our dependence on son's of bitches, rather than taking steps to put ourselves in a better bargaining position. Anyone awake in 1980 knew this dependency was no good for the United States, every time they went to the gas pump.
So what do we do? Reposition ourselves to assert more control over our sons of bitches, that's what. What kind of feelings should we expect this to generate in the victims of our sons of bitches? Do peaceful treaties and strategic agreements with these same sons of bitches show any sign of producing different results in the future? SHOULD THEY?
The world's most powerful killing machine belongs to the United States, hands down. However, this isn't the only thing that makes it the world's only superpower. Our current economic superiority is every bit as compelling. Wouldn't we be better off if we used both for the common good of our fellow man? If we had endeavored to benefit the Saudis rather than prop up the son of a bitch standing on their necks; would 15 of 19 September 11th hijackers have been Saudi's?
Clearly, our business model is corrupt. The very way in which we distinguish friend from foe is corrupt. For as long as we continue to ignore this, the victims of our sons of bitches will continue to be justified in their hatred of us. Now if Bush settles for a replacement son of a bitch for Saddam; nothing will have changed accept that the world's most powerful son of a bitch will have once again proven they are sons of bitches. I believe this is our common fear and quite a reasonable fear at that.
But what happens if the United States succeeds?
Set aside for a moment the notion that that's impossible and consider it. What happens if the cesspool of suffering that was Iraq, and
is Iraq; evolves into a genuine popular sovereignty? What would happen if the United States assisted the National Council of Resistance of Iran into being legitimately elected by the people of Iran?
I believe in my heart the majority of Iraqis and Iranians would have this be so. Probably, a tremendous majority. Only the brainwashed would ever willingly vote to oppress themselves. This will occur and it will certainly complicate the equation, but I refuse to believe there is a group of humans anywhere incapable of learning the benefits of self-determination. It most certainly will not happen over night, and it most certainly will be painful, but that doesn't make the cause any less worthwhile.
As hopelessness gave way to hope, the Patrick Henry's, George Washington's and Thomas Jefferson's of every destitute land of human suffering would emerge
and if given sufficient assistance, would be victorious. Give a man, who is willing to fight to the death for his cause, an opportunity to fight for his own well being, and fight he will. It is said when Patrick Henry finished his speech with "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" was met with an array of "To arms! To arms!". There can be no doubt the inhabitants of Muslim lands can and have been compelled to action
in the bravest of possible ways. Pity the foolish oppressor who wouldn't fear these most driven of men. Or don't; he isn't worthy.
Wouldn't such a turn of events benefit the Iraqis and Iranians every bit as much as it would benefit the United States and the greater world at large? Does anyone really believe the more harshly oppressed Saudis wouldn't find the courage to demand the same? At the end of the day; is self determination not the natural right of every human being? What would happen to the perception of the United States if, after all this time, we
finally started behaving and acting on the principles we hold so dear?
Iraq many well prove to be just another step, in a long line of steps, in the wrong direction. Conversely; it may well prove to be the second step (Afghanistan) in a direction that is finally fitting of the principles we collectively hold so dear. The prosecution is currently doing a far better job of presenting its case, but the jury is still out. Meanwhile, every man woman and child on this planet has a vested interest in seeing Bush's vision in Iraq come true. It matters little how ill conceived or poorly implemented his plan or lack thereof has been; success would benefit us all. And its high time people get over the blame game and work to achieve that which is in the mutual best interest of us all. Think about it.