Atheists, smarter than religious people

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 04:57 pm
Chumly, Excellent point!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 05:00 pm
Talking about a "guess" on whether or not any deity exists assumes the nature of the deity. Before one can "guess," one has to have a definition. The reason that i am functionally atheist is that i've not heard a plausible definition of a deity which merits the "guess."

The only definition which was ever offered me was that "god" is the prime mover, the first cause. This is reasonable insofar as it does not posit a sentient being as deity, insofar as it does not posit an anthropomorphic deity. Because as soon as the deity is separated from the event as first cause, you run head on into Occam's razor, entia non sunt multiplicanda--causes are not to be multiplied.

If all that one posits is that "god" is the first cause, and is not in any way separate or apart from that first cause, then i could accept that as a plausible definition of "god"--although i would then point out that the question has been effectively begged, because it would simply be an exercise in labeling. It would also be a disingenuous exercise in labeling, given that any adult who is not mentally impaired has encountered one or more of the definitions of god which assume a sentient, separate being, apart from the first cause. I've never met anyone who advanced solely the definition of "god" as first cause, inseparable from the event--so i've never accepted that basis for anyone's argument. All of those several people who have advanced such an argument to me subsequently intended to go beyond first cause, and therefore at least inferentially assume a separate existence from first cause for their deity.

If, and only if, one defines "god" as first cause, inseparable from and in no way distinct from the event of first cause, then one is positing a definition of "god" would could be considered not to have been a guess. Then, of course, one is just labelling the first cause "god."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 05:07 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:

I am not abusing you.

Oh, bullshit. Now, if you were to say "I think that's a stupid thing to say" as opposed to saying "You are stupid", or if you were to say "that strikes me as the sort of argument any moron would present" instead of saying "You moron", if you were to say "That's silly" instead of saying "You a$$hole", you might have a point, but by and large that ain't the way you go about it, Frank; characteristic of your approach - from the days of forums long gone to the present circumstance - is heatedly, often even vituperatively, attacking the presenter, not the presentation.

I have determined that being reasonable and courteous does not AND CANNOT work.

Odd - my experience precisely is the contrary. In fact, I often derive a perhaps somewhat mean-spirited amusement through remaining implacably civil, couteous, and unruffled to the great and vigorous consternation of certain discussion opponents. When one's opponent seems determined to play the fool, one does well to do nothing to hinder that opponent's efforts in such regard while at the same time refraining from like practice on one's own part.

I am trying other methods.

Yes - consistently and with but rarest exception.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 05:18 pm
JLNobody wrote:
I BELIEVE that Frank can be very tedious with his "bullsyte", "crap", moron, balony, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

What I cannot understand is why we continue to like him despite his incessant abuse.

I think it is because in his avatar he looks a little bit like santa claus on holiday. :wink:

Personally I find his debating style refreshing, though a bit frustrating at times. It forces me to stay on my toes, and to express myself clearly, which is never a bad thing.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 05:48 pm
Except for timber's "IDiot," he's mostly "fair." I, personally, have done much worse.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 05:54 pm
Re: Atheists, smarter than religious people
real life wrote:
Treya wrote:
real life wrote:

I see.

So basically you just wanted to add 'hypocrite' to the earlier 'dog' and 'brainwashed' insults you hurled?

OK........still not sure how that validates your thesis that atheism is a 'smarter' alternative, as the title of the thread indicates, and you wrote in support of.

Also, just to clarify, if a Christian tells you 'I am a sinner' , and then they sin.......are they a hypocrite?

There's really no point in running in circles with this. This was never my "thesis". I didn't start this thread. I simply commented and spoke with the author of this thread. Then you jumped in to "save the day" or whatever because you were feeling a bit slighted by my comments apparently. Were they a bit rude? Sure. Am I a bit bitter towards christianity? Absolutely. I have a every right to be.

I thought part of christian beliefs is to forgive? To show grace and mercy to those who "don't understand"? So where's your forgiveness real life? Where is this "grace" and "mercy" that your "god" has so kindly extended to you? Why must you be sitting on a little perch waiting for someone to bring offence to you so you can jump all over them and show what a great "christian" you are? Doesn't the bible say:

Acts 24:15
15 I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. 16 This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men.

And what about this:

Romans 16:16-18
17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.

I don't really think you are suppose to be talking to me right now. According to this anyway. Oh, but wait:

No... wait... you are suppose to let me slap your other cheek AND give me your cloak. You are not suppose to repay me for however it is you feel I am treating you. Hmmm, I'm confused. How exactly are you suppose to be towards me real life? I'm not finding any clarity in these here scriptures. Can you clarify that for me?

Oh yeah... your question. The answer is simple. Actions speak louder than words. The problem I see with some christians is that they try to get their words to speak louder than their actions. Unfortunately, they are the only ones who are fooled by this.

No, you didn't start the thread, but you wrote in support of the thesis, stating that Christians 'didn't think for themselves' , asking 'how smart can they be?' and 'my dog is smarter', and 'Christians are brainwashed'.

I 'jumped in' for the same reason you did -- to discuss the issue. And I asked you how claiming others were stupid proves you are smart.

I don't really need to forgive you, because I'm not angry at you. You haven't done anything to me. But if I was angry, I would forgive you.

Your views hurt only yourself, and your attempts to lower others only lower you to the level that you are criticizing.

I have no bitterness against you, and I'm sorry to hear of your bitterness toward 'Christians' as a group -- most of whom you have never met and know nothing about.

Is that what you mean by 'tolerance' ?

Well real life, let me make an attempt here to soften my tone a bit as I know I've been coming off pretty harsh. First I would like to say that I am not attempting to "lower" anyone here. Not intentionally anyway. However, I realize that you've read what you've read into what I've said so that's pretty much a mute point.

So moving on... I don't know why you would be sorry to hear about my "bitterness toward "christians" as a group" considering I never said that. I said I was bitter towards "christianity" I have stated repeatedly the phrase "some" christians. Not all christians. Not Just the ones I've met. But "some".

However I'll do my best to clarify my point so maybe we both can be on the same page here. What I mean when I say I'm bitter towards "christianity" (not christians) is that I am angry at the things the christian doctrine teaches. The things that many (not all) christians eat up like a candy bar.

My experience has been there comes with "christianity" an air of superiority. A feeling of being somehow better than everyone else. Smarter than everyone else. Two steps ahead of everyone else. A feeling of being somehow more justified than everyone else. More worthy of good things than everyone else.

It's an air that is caught in the bubble of "christianity". As far as tolerance goes well there's really not a whole lot among those influenced by "christianity". Sure, many of them think they are "oh so tolerant" by putting up with that co-worker that gets on their nerves, while in fact they only keep their mouth shut about it when that person is on the room. As soon as they leave though out comes the garbage about what a rotten person they are... blah blah blah.

It's ok though you see because they are "repentant", so "god" will forgive them for doing that. Many of them feel justified by their actions. By how they present themselves to those who can see them, while behind closed doors the real person is seen only by a few. Sadly in america (in my opinion anyway) "christianity" has reduced itself to the level of a trendy name tag. Something to call yourself. Something to be recognized as.

Just like Joe Boxer. It's the "in" thing to wear. It's cool to wear it. It's cool to be seen in it. But the fact still remains that those outer clothes don't change who that inner person is. It just makes them "appear better". More acceptable. So let me make it perfectly clear here and now that I am in no way, shape, or form claiming by any stretch that all "christians" are like this.

As I have said before, I've seen what I've seen. That's it. That's MY experience. Not yours. So why should I expect you to even try to understand. I really don't. I know how it is to be so engulfed within your belief that there's no room in your little box for anymore information. Especially anything that challenges what or how you think.

We're all just people real life. Trying to find our way in this world. We have our own ideas, our own perceptions, our own opinions. My problem with "christianity" boils down to the fact that there is no room in there for someone to just be who they are. To think how they think. To make their own decisions about things. It's all about changing someone to fit the image that "christianity" wishes to present to the world. "Christianity" wants nothing more than to tell everyone else how they ought to be living their life.

There's no need to "think for yourself" because the bible does it for you. "God" does it for you. Tells you what you should think. How you should think. What you shouldn't think. What you should do. How you should do it. What you shouldn't do. Who you should be with. Who you shouldn't be with. On and on and on. It's not about what you think is right it's about what some book says is right. A book that contradicts itself over and over.

The icing on the cake though is that "christianity" actually portrays all that as "free will" and then condemns anyone who would dare stand against that sort of thing and say, "Naaaa. I'd like to think for myself please." Oh, but you can't because that's not acceptable to "god" according to the bible, so therefore you are a rebel who is going to hell. The "loving god" who created you in his own image will condemn you to eternal damnation for not doing it "his way".

So concerning what I said originally that I think atheists are smarter than christians. Yep. Still holds true to ME. Based on the fact that atheists at least are willing to think for themselves however, the majority of christians are too afraid to even try.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 06:04 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
JL wrote:

I BELIEVE that Frank can be very tedious with his "bullsyte", "crap", moron, balony, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

What I cannot understand is why we continue to like him despite his incessant abuse.

I am not abusing you. I am trying to get through to you. I have determined that being reasonable and courteous does not AND CANNOT work.

I am trying other methods.

For the record…I have often mentioned that I love every person in this forum…and I do. (Well, maybe Asherman I don't love, but I certainly do not dislike him.)

I certainly love you, JL…(normally I would add, "every bone in your head"…but will resist.)…and I appreciate that you do not dislike me even if you dislike my tactics.

Loving…liking…anyone here has absolutely nothing to do with the tone of the posts.

Do ya love me too, Frank :wink:

Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 06:17 pm
Cryacuz, Frank wants you are your phukin knees, not your toes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 06:20 pm

Then I'll leave him wanting. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 06:21 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Chumly, Excellent point!
You're most kind, you post some great stuff yourself!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 06:57 pm
And furthermore, I would also like to add that living within the context of "christianity" a person is taught unknowingly to live in fear. Many say that's not true, but now that I no longer live like that I see it clear as can be. Fear of going to eternal damnation. Fear of not doing things just right so that you won't have to face that. Fear of what others are going to think of you. Of how you are presenting yourself to those around you.

Are you leading a perfect example of what "god" wants you to? Are you "witnessing" to enough people? Are you tithing enough? Are you reading your bible enough? Praying enough? On and on and on it goes. Because you see, if you don't follow the good book and remain repentant, humble, and willing to do it "his way" it's all over. You are done. Finito. On the highway to hell.

I can't even begin to tell you how nice it is real life to not have to live anymore walking on egg shells. Hoping I don't piss "god" off and get sent to hell. Hoping I don't piss my fellow "christians" off and get ostracized. Hoping I don't miss an opportunity to "save" someone, and have their blood on my hands on judgment day.

Sure. Maybe I'm a bit more abrasive now than I was, but at least I'm not afraid anymore. At least I'm not living in fear that comes under a cloak of "unconditional love". Love that really is quite conditional. It seems to me that if "god" truly loved his whole creation... this creation that "he" created in "his own image" he certainly wouldn't send one of them to hell. Not one.

We are after all created in "his own image", correct? So then if we are imperfect and able to be condemned based on bad behavior, why is he not? This is really considered a fair, righteous, just, god? This is considered ok to you? That how good a place you have in heaven is going to be based on how good you are while you are here? You are really ok with this?

You are really ok with watching people suffer without help from "god" because this "god" who is "unconditional love" defined will not help those who do not "serve" him. Who are not "repentant" and willing to submit to the rules "christianity" puts forth? You are willing to stand up and fight for a "god" that's only going to back you up if "follow" his rules? Are you willing to die for him real life?

For this "just" god that loves everyone so much but won't hesitate to send the ones "he" created in "his image" who don't "obey" him to a place of eternal damnation and torture? Go for it. Live your life that way. Live your life presuming you are better than everyone else because you are "saved" and not on the highway to hell... for the moment anyway.

Live your life in a little box only experiencing the things that you believe this "just god" will allow you to experience. Only going the places this "god" will allow you to go. Only talking to the people this "god" will allow you to talk to. Live your life in a little bubble and feel pity for those who are outside the bubble missing out on the great fun you are having.

It's your choice after all. You too have a "free will" that allows you to move ever so slightly within the boundaries this "god" has set for you. Have fun. I wish you the best. If that is what you think makes you happy, go for it. I certainly won't try to stop you. However, I'm not going to apologize for my opinion. I'm not going to apologize for how I feel.

I've been on both sides of this fence. Maybe I haven't seen everything, but I've seen enough to convince me that in order to believe any of the things I've listed here or in other posts one would have to be brainwashed. There's no other possible solution. Anyone with any will to think for themselves would scoff at such silliness. Such absurd, unrealistic ideals. Much the way many christians scoff at sinners, eh?

Ok. I'm done now. Whew... Cool
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 07:09 pm
sozobe wrote:
I am trying to get through to you. I have determined that being reasonable and courteous does not AND CANNOT work.

That is especially full of bullshyt, Frank. Laughing

For one, I've known you for about 6 years and I don't remember you ever being reasonable and courteous (and only reasonable and courteous) for any significant stretch.

For another, how is THIS working out for you? Are you "getting through" to people with this silly, peurile abuse?

If anything I think that as a debate technique you're trying to rattle people, get them to attack you instead of the argument, which is pretty intellectually bankrupt. More so if you insist that you're doing it to enlighten them.

Bite my grits!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 07:20 pm
Bill wrote:


Frank, do you believe Casper (the friendly ghost) does not exist?

No…since Casper is a cartoon character, I am absolutely certain Casper does not exist.

Do you believe Vampires do not exist?

No…but I am willing to guess they do not exist…at least not on planet Earth. I would say the evidence points to their being folklore creatures.

Do you believe Genie's do not exist?

No…but since they are defined as folklore or fairytale creatures, I am pretty sure they do not.

Do you believe Darth Vader does not exist?

No…I know Darth Vader does not exist. Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars series.

And finally, do you believe gods do not exist?


Now I hope that was of help.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 07:25 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

I am not abusing you.

Oh, bullshit. Now, if you were to say "I think that's a stupid thing to say" as opposed to saying "You are stupid", or if you were to say "that strikes me as the sort of argument any moron would present" instead of saying "You moron", if you were to say "That's silly" instead of saying "You a$$hole", you might have a point, but by and large that ain't the way you go about it, Frank; characteristic of your approach - from the days of forums long gone to the present circumstance - is heatedly, often even vituperatively, attacking the presenter, not the presentation.

You say "potato!"


I have determined that being reasonable and courteous does not AND CANNOT work.

Odd - my experience precisely is the contrary. In fact, I often derive a perhaps somewhat mean-spirited amusement through remaining implacably civil, couteous, and unruffled to the great and vigorous consternation of certain discussion opponents. When one's opponent seems determined to play the fool, one does well to do nothing to hinder that opponent's efforts in such regard while at the same time refraining from like practice on one's own part.

Really. Well perhaps we are aiming at different things.

I have decided you cannot change a believers mind by arguing to his conscious mind...and I am aiming my comments to the unconscious mind...that I am guessing each human has.

Like the guy who took a 2 x 4 to a donkey's head before using reason...I am wielding a 2 x 4.

I still have a large audience...so how bad can I be doing?


I am trying other methods.

Yes - consistently and with but rarest exception.


(Thanks for the warning...I truly appreciate it. I am absolutely convinced that I am on the right track...and I really see no reason to switch. If I truly get so far out of hand that I must be banned...so be it. It is not my forum, and I respect the right of you folks to take whatever action you deem appropriate.)
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 07:27 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
JL wrote:

I BELIEVE that Frank can be very tedious with his "bullsyte", "crap", moron, balony, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

What I cannot understand is why we continue to like him despite his incessant abuse.

I am not abusing you. I am trying to get through to you. I have determined that being reasonable and courteous does not AND CANNOT work.

I am trying other methods.

For the record…I have often mentioned that I love every person in this forum…and I do. (Well, maybe Asherman I don't love, but I certainly do not dislike him.)

I certainly love you, JL…(normally I would add, "every bone in your head"…but will resist.)…and I appreciate that you do not dislike me even if you dislike my tactics.

Loving…liking…anyone here has absolutely nothing to do with the tone of the posts.

Do ya love me too, Frank :wink:

Laughing Laughing

I love ya, Intrepid.

Thought about you a lot this summer while watching all those tugs trying to get Intrepid out of the mud in which it was mired in its berth.

The big ship is in New Jersey for refurbishing right now.

Love ya, Buddy.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 07:28 pm
Chumly wrote:
Hi Frank,

To clarify further (not that I don't appreciate sosobe's post):

If your belief is that any guess is meaningless, it would appear to logically follow that you then would be willing to say that any efforts to enable this guess must also be meaningless.

If by "enable is guess" you mean making attempts to discover if there is any evidence...why no, that is not meaningless.

I simply haven't found any...or at least, none of any value in making a meaningful guess.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 07:55 pm

Are you saying that cartoons don't exist? :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 08:00 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Bill wrote:

Frank, do you believe Casper (the friendly ghost) does not exist?

No…since Casper is a cartoon character, I am absolutely certain Casper does not exist.
Confused What evidence do you have for God's existence that is any more compelling than that of Casper? Does the theme of a story grant credibility to it? Are you relying on Ad Populum? Ad antiquitatem ? How can you know either was anything but the conception of a storyteller?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Do you believe Vampires do not exist?

No…but I am willing to guess they do not exist…at least not on planet Earth. I would say the evidence points to their being folklore creatures.
So, it is fair to say you are agnostic about the existence of Vampires? Further, since you couldn't possibly know; of what use is your guess one way or another? What kind of an A$$hole would opine about something they couldn't possibly prove? :wink:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Do you believe Genie's do not exist?

No…but since they are defined as folklore or fairytale creatures, I am pretty sure they do not.
So, it is fair to say you are agnostic about the existence of Genies? Further, since you couldn't possibly know; of what use is your guess one way or another? What kind of an A$$hole would opine about something they couldn't possibly prove? :wink:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Do you believe Darth Vader does not exist?

No…I know Darth Vader does not exist. Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars series.
What evidence do you have to God's existence that is any more compelling than that of Darth Vader? Does the theme of a story grant credibility to it? Are you relying on Ad Populum? Ad antiquitatem ? How can you know either was anything but the conception of a storyteller?

Frank Apisa wrote:
And finally, do you believe gods do not exist?

So you are atheist as far as Casper and Darth Vader are concerned, but agnostic about the existence of Vampires, Genies and God. Laughing It would appear that your agnosticism depends on your own willingness to lend credibility to stories you've heard. The exact same amount of evidence exists for the nonexistence of each of the above entities (NONE), correct? If this isn't so, please provide it. Otherwise; what choice do you have but to admit to your own hypocrisy? Why are you any less a fool to assume the non-existence (sans proof) of any entity, than anyone else?

Frank Apisa wrote:
Now I hope that was of help.
Me too. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 08:09 pm
Not that I don't think Frank can speak for himself, but Casper and Darth Vader are in a different league that the rest of the creatures mentioned. The big difference is that we know where they come from.

It is very easy to know that Darth Vader is a fictional character, since the man who created the character, says he is. That's pretty definite proof, wouldn't you say?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 08:12 pm
Cyracuz, Disclaimers are not necessary for many things we know are fictional (not real).
0 Replies

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