georgeob1 wrote:Then all history is heresay. Does that make renditions based on the historical record necessarily less valid than acknowledged fiction such as Lew Wallace's Ben Hur?
Indeed, all history is hearsay (or, if you wish, heresy).
Quote:The self-serving unreliability of most journalists (left and right) is beyond doubt. I haven't been to Iraq, but I have experienced war up close and, as well, the contemporaneous images of it sold by journalists. Not much to inspire confidence there.
Blah blah, bluster bluster, etc...
Quote:I have no opinion about Gibson's historical accuracy (or lack thereof). I remain suspicious about the the intensity of the reactions to the film. They do not ring true.
Y'know, some of us who criticize it for its extensive violence, actually liked the film. But you would have known that had you bothered to actually read the thread. Instead, you fall into your usual trap of mouthing a bunch of patronizing trash and proving your own silliness. But what else could one expect?