A few misunderstandings
Yes this is my first post... use it for a comeback if you like.
At times I think it's rather strange there would be such strong protest to this movie. But every Christian knows the real reason and doesn't let it phase them. It's to be expected actually. Especially if the director is aiming for the most accurate depiction of this story using the biblical texts.
But if there is anyone here who thinks his motives are anti-semitic, they literally have little understanding of the subject. In fact contrary to what a lot people believe, Christians, are at the end of the day, in defence of Jewish people.
If this movie causes a "wave of anti-semitism", then all I can say is those that perpetrate this wave are anti-semitic from the beginning and are looking for excuses to do it.
This was a brutal killing. Do we label a nation and expect them to take the blame for it? No. As was stated above we are all to blame. Romans 3:23 "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," and Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works,
lest anyone should boast." This describes the true belief Christians have. This text reduces everyone down to the same level. Not perfect.
He has continually stated "This film is about faith, hope, love and forgiveness. These are things that the world could use more of, particularly in these turbulent times." Who can disagree with this statement?
Anyway, out of interest...
Dishonest Reporting 'Award' for 2002