Lightwizard wrote:It's true of any zealotry although you've given no examples of secular zealotry at all.
I can if you like, but that might make for a whole discussion of its own.
Lightwizard wrote:You haven't seen the film and if I'm no mistaken were criticizing others earlier for opining on a film they haven't seen.
You are mistaken. (Which is okay, I've been mistaken once or twice recently myself.)
I think if you check my comments on this discussion you will find that I'm not so much commenting on the film as on the absurd reactions some people are having to it and ridiculous things some people are saying and writing of it. I didn't have to see Janet Jackson's nipple to be entitled to comment that people are making too much of it, and I don't need to have seen Gibson's movie to recognize that lots of people are carping about its violence who make no such complaints about other movies, which leads me to suspect that their real complaint is that Gibson made a pro-Christian movie during a period of open hostility to anything Christian.
I do recognize that your complaints are better informed than most and respect the fact that you are largely criticizing the artistry of the movie, having found it lacking. That's a perfectly reasonable point of view, and I have no argument with it. When I see the movie I may disagree, but I also know that I'm not the most discerning moviegoer, and often enjoy movies at which others turn up their noses.