Re: On 1-20-2009
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Sturgis wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Do you think the new Presidents inauguration... whoever that may be.... will be overshadowed by the sheer joy and celebration that bush is going home?
I think it'll depend on what nincompoop the suicidal masses decide should win next. One thing is guaranteed here Bippy, within a few weeks of the election millions will have condemned them. (and if it turns out to be another Republican, the masses here will crucify him or her before the ballot boxes have been put away for the next election)
I have never condemned a president or his associates until bush.
Never said you did. You will note I said the masses around here. Why are you getting so defensive if you have never done this. Is there a skeleton from your political activist past you are trying to keep concealed Bippy??
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Anyone with half a brain, which lets out a shitload of people here and throughout the country, could have forseen what a monumental f*ck up bush and his merry band are.
Actually there are those who are quite swift of intellect who do not see Georgie as a screw-up. More of a misinformed twit, and as you known misinformation comes from all the fronts as it is placed in front of him. It comes from the left and from the right. Georgie's biggest woe is that he is slightly on the naive side and believes everyone is telling him the truth. A man cannot be faulted for believing, can he be? As to his merry band, keep in mind that chap Robin Hood had a band of Merry Men and he was quite beloved, so maybe Georgie figured the same could, would and should happen for him.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:The proof is in the pudding.
Chocolate pudding I hope with a healthy dollop or two of whipped cream on top.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote: I won't say I told you so.
Uh, I think in your own way you just did.