cicerone imposter wrote:Joe(don't be too tough on neo)Nation, Of all the religionists on a2k, neo is one of my favorite, because his tone is always mellow without any aggression or bad words (unlike many of mine). All my siblings are christians and republicans, and I love them all. I have a special affection for neo, because I see the goodness in him.
There's something about religion that seems to grab the individual's heart and mind. They can rationalize so many of the contradictions found in the bible, anybody trying to find elemental reasoning will be frustrated. It's a malady that can't be explained.
CI: Have I been tough on Neo? Hmmm. If you think this is me being tough on someone you should listen in when I talk about something important, like whether the Yankee relief battery has been completely discharged. No aggression here, at least I'm not aware of doing, (correct me if I wrong) I AM asking direct questions, we all are, and getting some very slippery answers.
Quote:You might not have been discussing comparisons. I was.
Joe Nation wrote:
Quote:. .
Quote: . So now regale us with the "scriptural explanation" of how having slaves was merely an allegory for the sin of man. Do you not see how this myth you are spinning is no different than any other of the thousands of other creation/destruction/redemption myths? There is nothing missing.
. . .
Don't get your shorts in a bunch, Joe. I didn't use the term allegory, you did. But you are right in that I hold that slavery is a good description of the condition of man.
I have no doubt that there is goodness in Neo and many others.
I have no doubt that believers in the many myths can, and are, good people.
Joe(Occasionally, I would like them to face what they believe and tell it true.)Nation