Neo wrote
Quote:are you willing to accept the scriptural explanation of why slavery existed, who originated it, and how God used this tool of Satan to illustrate man's enslavement to sin including the role of the messiah in setting mankind free?
Nope. You're just going to try and point the finger at something else other than the Great Jehovah, God Almighty who was the author and creator of the Jew's license to enslave. But go ahead, it will be interesting.
It is a wonder we don't all get whiplash from shaking our heads at what you write. So now regale us with the "scriptural explanation" of how having slaves was merely an allegory for the sin of man. Do you not see how this myth you are spinning is no different than any other of the thousands of other creation/destruction/redemption myths? There is nothing missing.
Good/Evil... Sacrifice/Sin... Saviour/Redeemed.
And Setanta is correct, not only about the Hebrews, but of
all the ancient people who told their myths in order to justify their behaviors and to solidify whatever tribal connections there were.
When the Israelites told their story
of course they were the Chosen People able to enslave other humans because their God had told them it was permissable. Meanwhile, slightly to the North, the Babylonians were being whispered to as well. I bet the Hebrews weren't so hot on slavery during the Babylonian Captivity. I wonder if they listened to the priests of Ur's scriptural explanation for their enslavement??
Slaves in Egypt, slaves in Babylon, slaves in Palestine - those crazy Jews kept getting themselves enchained all over the Middle East, so why wouldn't they have a try at it themselves? With God's winking eye looking on, naturally.
(There is something in the human psyche that
knows that enslaving humans cannot be right, slaveholding people are
always looking for some God/Deus/Father/Holy One to say "Not to worry. For
you it's okay.)
Joe(Got the word of He Who Must Be Obeyed on it. whew...)Nation