I'm afraid I have left a wrong impression on you folks. I am all for paying taxes towards taking care of our roadways, putting up recreational areas, conserving natural habitats, and housing the homeless and such.
I just get a wee bit unnerved when taxes go towards things like weapons of mass destruction, corporate bail outs, and campaign discretionary funds etc.
Knowing I can do very little if anything about this and still being told this is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people....tends to lead me to believe the goal of freedom...has not as of yet quite been reached.
Are we slaves in the strictest sense of the word? No......but that does'nt mean we are truly free either.
Can anyone catch my drift here?
Regarding your "ownership" of property:
"(CBS) Just about everyone knows that under a process called eminent domain, the government can (and does) seize private property for public use - to build a road, a school or a courthouse.
But did you know the government can also seize your land for private use if they can prove that doing it will serve what's called "the public good"?
Quote from an "Owner":
"For them to come in and tell me how much my property's worth and for me to get out because they're bringing in somebody else when I own the land is unfounded to me."
Shop owner Randy Bailey of Mesa, Ariz.
"That's no excuse for taking my home. My home is not for sale. And if my home isn't safe, nobody's home is safe, in the whole country," says Jim Saleet. "Not only Ohio. But this is rampant all over the country. It's like a plague."
Diest quote:
with indentured servitude, one might volunteer him or herself to another for certain amenities.
Who is volunteering their property here? Who is the servant?
Thanks CI:
When we have a choice, I don't see that as "slavery."
The people who are refusing to sell their land....are they not criminals CI? Are they given a choice to sell their land?
Eminent domain says they are. It also says they have no choice and therefore does not have true ownership. They cannot pass on their property for instance to their children.
Is this moral?
I see this question is avoided entirely:
IF the law does not exist (for argument sake) do you think a person should be prosecuted or charged as a criminal?
wonder why....?
Let's say we are free!!!.....Does our government(of and for the people) seem to think so? The gov is going a bit too far with this I think. What do you all think?
Sometimes people must resist to be and remain free. Kinda like repentance i think......
Jesus - king of kings lord of lords halleluljah