neologist wrote:Setanta wrote:neologist wrote:Setanta wrote:neologist wrote:But there are some who use parts of the bible to 'prove' a point while ignoring those parts of the bible which controvert their argument.
Which is compelling evidence that scripture routinely and constantly contradicts itself.
Or explains itself.
Good morning, Set.
Good afternoon.
If the texts upon which they make their argument are "controverted" by other passages in the scripture, than by definition, the scripture contradicts itself.
You don't even get a nice try on that one.
Controverting one's argument does not necessarily involve controverting the scriptures spuriously used to support that argument.
No, certainly not. However, Mequite quoted scripture and stated that you can beat the crap out of your slave, and it's OK as long as you don't kill him. The scripture he quoted clearly states as much, so if you claim that what Mequite wrote is controverted by other scripture, that other scripture also controverts the scripture he cited. So unless you can "prove" that the scripture he cited does not mean what it patently says, you are yourself inferentially claiming that scripture contradicts itself.
Good luck "proving" that.