mesquite wrote: . . . Do you really want to defend that Neo?
Depends on what you wish me to defend. The bible's position on slavery (or any human misery) may be understood only by considering the remainder of the bible. The bible makes it clear that humans were not designed to be owned by one another. In fact, the entire theme of the bible points toward an eventual restoration of God's Edenic purpose: that we have the hope of living indefinitely on earth, each one 'doing our own thing.'
According to the bible, that is.
So, if slavery was not part of God's plan, why did he allow it?
According to the bible.
Well, a careful reading of the bible will reveal that, since the time of Satan's challenge, the entire world has been given to his control that he may prove or fail to prove his allegations. (John 16:11 and others) The only exception is that God has continued to communicate with mankind through his word.
So, slavery exists and has existed as a consequence of Satan's rule. God simply put regulations on it for the government of the Jews (and perhaps in consideration of their hardheartedness. (Matt 19:8)) And there is no justification in those regulations for the enslavement of Africans in the Americas or for the traffic in human beings which continues to this day. Nor is there any longer a national group having any special covenant with God.
According to the bible.