Why does the god of the Bible consider slavery to be moral??

Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 05:24 am
neologist wrote:
When you choose to use the bible to examine the bible, it dilutes your argument when you resort to the speculations of "mainline and liberal theologians".

Your argument about the 24 hour day fails again when you contemplate the time it must have taken for Adam to name all the animals. (Genesis 2:19, 20) If you imagine that Moses gullibly believed the six creative days lasted only 144 hours under the 'all things possible with God' speculation, then how would it be possible for a human to name the animals in only 24 hours?

About as possible as a human putting all the animals in the world unto a single boat.

About as possible as making the sun stand still for 24 hours.

About as possible as seeing the four corners of the earth from a single mountain.

About as possible as God walking about on a solid firmament looking down on us as if we were grasshoppers.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 05:43 am
xingu wrote:
. . .About as possible as a human putting all the animals in the world unto a single boat.
ALL the animals? Really? Where did you read that?
xingu wrote:
About as possible as making the sun stand still for 24 hours.
Interesting phenomenon, eh? Joshua recorded what he perceived. He did not provide an explanation.
xingu wrote:
About as possible as seeing the four corners of the earth from a single mountain.
Does the word metaphor exist in your vocabulary?
xingu wrote:
About as possible as God walking about on a solid firmament looking down on us as if we were grasshoppers.
See above.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 07:04 am
Funny how religious one take the Bible literally when it suits their dogma and make excuses when it doesn't.
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Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 09:12 am
I know. And, even more preposterous, would you believe the Eckankar folks believe the soul can actually leave the body and return?
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Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 09:31 am
neologist wrote:
I know. And, even more preposterous, would you believe the Eckankar folks believe the soul can actually leave the body and return?

Of course you don't believe it because the Bible told you so. Right?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 09:48 am
Yeah, the funny part of all this is that everybody in heaven will be spirits without a physical body. But the biggest benefit is that they won't age, and they can't have sex. What! No sex?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 10:44 am
xingu wrote:
neologist wrote:
I know. And, even more preposterous, would you believe the Eckankar folks believe the soul can actually leave the body and return?

Of course you don't believe it because the Bible told you so. Right?
Actually, I don't believe it because it's preposterous.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 10:45 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Yeah, the funny part of all this is that everybody in heaven will be spirits without a physical body. But the biggest benefit is that they won't age, and they can't have sex. What! No sex?
Exactly. That's why it is so great that we were meant to live on earth.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 10:51 am
neologist wrote:
xingu wrote:
neologist wrote:
I know. And, even more preposterous, would you believe the Eckankar folks believe the soul can actually leave the body and return?

Of course you don't believe it because the Bible told you so. Right?
Actually, I don't believe it because it's preposterous.

Why is it preposterous?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 12:09 pm
IFeelFree wrote:
neologist wrote:
xingu wrote:
neologist wrote:
I know. And, even more preposterous, would you believe the Eckankar folks believe the soul can actually leave the body and return?

Of course you don't believe it because the Bible told you so. Right?
Actually, I don't believe it because it's preposterous.

Why is it preposterous?
Rolling Eyes

I'll get back to this.
Pinkie promise.
In the meantime, just think of the advantage you would have in poker.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 12:09 pm
IFeelFree wrote:
neologist wrote:
xingu wrote:
neologist wrote:
I know. And, even more preposterous, would you believe the Eckankar folks believe the soul can actually leave the body and return?

Of course you don't believe it because the Bible told you so. Right?
Actually, I don't believe it because it's preposterous.

Why is it preposterous?

Because his religious dogma says so.

It works like this. If reincarnation is real then a sinner would not have to believe in God or Christ. If he got it wrong he would come back again and perhaps get it right. This means organized religion has no hold on him.

In order for the religious sect to chain the believer the dogma they tell him to believe or it's Hell and damnation for eternity. The only chance to be saved is to believe in the church. Ever hear of EENS (Extra Ecclesia Nulla Sallus)?

The religion has you by the balls. God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, has given each individual one and only one chance to select and practice the right religion before they die. If that person fails to do so the most horrible consequences awaits them.

This creates some problems. God, in all his infinite wisdom, decides to write a series of books so confusing its able to give birth to thousands of interpretations. So now the question is what is the correct belief? What should one believe if they want to save themselves from the horrible fate that awaits them if they get it wrong? There is no second chance.

God has set the rules for his little game. You get one life. You had better make the right choice or you will pay dearly for it.

"Oh," says God, "did I tell you I love you?"

What's funny is there's a whole lot of riffraff out there who've made a cottage industry out of conning people into thinking they have the right answer. They know what God wants and what the Bible means. People like that are a dime a dozen. You can even find them on A2K.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 01:26 pm
Boy oh boy, I go away for a weekend and come back to find Neo calling someone else's deeply held spiritual truth preposterous?

He must have a new definition of preposterous in order to see any belief in the spiritual realm as unbelievable nonsense, that is, without recognizing that his own "spiritual truths" are just as preposterous.

I know he has a different definition of "Frank's word" moral. He just hasn't shared it with us yet.

I have a feeling he is sharpening his mincer trying to find just right tangent to cut off on and declare righteous his sense of the absurd.

Joe(the very idea)Nation
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 01:39 pm
Maybe the biggest surprise of eternal life is that everybody becomes a sexless soul, and everybody ends up wondering why there are men and women but no new births.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 02:17 pm
xingu wrote:
Because his religious dogma says so.

It works like this. If reincarnation is real then a sinner would not have to believe in God or Christ. If he got it wrong he would come back again and perhaps get it right. This means organized religion has no hold on him.

In order for the religious sect to chain the believer the dogma they tell him to believe or it's Hell and damnation for eternity. The only chance to be saved is to believe in the church. Ever hear of EENS (Extra Ecclesia Nulla Sallus)?

The religion has you by the balls. God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, has given each individual one and only one chance to select and practice the right religion before they die. If that person fails to do so the most horrible consequences awaits them.

This creates some problems. God, in all his infinite wisdom, decides to write a series of books so confusing its able to give birth to thousands of interpretations. So now the question is what is the correct belief? What should one believe if they want to save themselves from the horrible fate that awaits them if they get it wrong? There is no second chance.

God has set the rules for his little game. You get one life. You had better make the right choice or you will pay dearly for it.

"Oh," says God, "did I tell you I love you?"

What's funny is there's a whole lot of riffraff out there who've made a cottage industry out of conning people into thinking they have the right answer. They know what God wants and what the Bible means. People like that are a dime a dozen. You can even find them on A2K.

One of the major errors of Christianity is the belief that we only incarnate for a single lifetime. Reincarnation was accepted by the early Christian church, was expounded by the Gnostics, and by many church founders such as Clement of Alexandria (3rd century), Origen (3rd century), and St. Jerome (5th century). The doctrine of reincarnation was declared a heresy by the second Council of Constantinople, for the reason that you suggest -- it afforded people the opportunity to postpone salvation and, therefore, weakened the authority of the church. This has resulted in wrong teachings of eternal damnation, the inability to understand the inequalities in life and suffering, a lot of fear and guilt, etc.

The God of religion is offered to people to give them hope, awaken faith in them, even to generate some sort of quality of transcendence in the midst of ordinary life. While that may be helpful to individuals at a certain stage of spiritual understanding, the religious conception of God doesn't make sense beyond a certain point. When real self-transcending spiritual experience dawns, the religious notion of God no longer makes sense. At some point a person has to grow beyond the egoic point of view in which God is conceived of as an external being or force that created the world and controls it. While science is a step forward in that it is a refutation of superstition and blind faith, it encourages a materialistic view in which all effects are seen as the result of spontaneous and somewhat random physical processes. This tends to ignore or discredit the possibilities for spiritual transformation and self-transcendence. When science becomes a philosophy about life in general, it encourages the use of thought as a means for solving all problems, and the seeking and compulsive thinking that keeps us from inner peace and the simple joy of Being.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 04:02 pm
I think Neologist in going to reveal himself as an adherent of Manichaeism.
His references to two gods struggling over man's soul have exposed him, but maybe he, just like George W. Bush, doesn't understand where seeing the world between the two elements of Good and Evil leads.

Ifeelfree wrote:
While science is a step forward in that it is a refutation of superstition and blind faith, it encourages a materialistic view in which all effects are seen as the result of spontaneous and somewhat random physical processes. This tends to ignore or discredit the possibilities for spiritual transformation and self-transcendence.

You lost me here. One can achieve a great deal of insight, scientific and personal, by using one's mind. Thoughts, emotions and revelations appear as if out of nowhere, but the realist realizes that they all spring from within the same mind, the same being, the same brain. Our own.

Joe(that's not an angel urging me to run faster, that's my own sense of self-esteem.)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 04:24 pm
Regarding Eckankar:
neologist wrote:
xingu wrote:
neologist wrote:
I know. And, even more preposterous, would you believe the Eckankar folks believe the soul can actually leave the body and return?
Of course you don't believe it because the Bible told you so. Right?
Actually, I don't believe it because it's preposterous.
IFeelFree, asking, wrote:

Why is it preposterous?
Answering, xingu wrote:
. . . Because his religious dogma says so.

It works like this. If reincarnation is real then a sinner would not have to believe in God or Christ. If he got it wrong he would come back again and perhaps get it right. This means organized religion has no hold on him.
. . .
Not to be denied a voice, Joe Nation wrote:
Boy oh boy, I go away for a weekend and come back to find Neo calling someone else's deeply held spiritual truth preposterous?

He must have a new definition of preposterous in order to see any belief in the spiritual realm as unbelievable nonsense, that is, without recognizing that his own "spiritual truths" are just as preposterous.
Well, in that case, I am at least 1/2 right. Smile So I asked in another thread:
Can you believe in OBE without believing in a god?
The dialogue so far has gone like this:

neologist wrote:
Setanta wrote:
. . . Why would an omnipotent imaginary friend be necessary to believe other silly things of a dissimilar character?
Are you saying that such 'disciplines' as Eckankar are silly?
Setanta wrote:
neologist wrote:
I agree. However my corresponding opinion has been scorned. Laughing
Setanta wrote:
I'm an equal opportunity skeptic . . . i think all y'all are goofy.

I apologize to Set for dragging his posts over to this thread. But perhaps y'all would care to join us over at http://able2know.com/forums/about100060.html
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Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 04:29 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
. . . .I know he has a different definition of "Frank's word" moral. He just hasn't shared it with us yet.
Not really, that would be up to Frank.
Joe Nation wrote:

I have a feeling he is sharpening his mincer trying to find just right tangent to cut off on and declare righteous his sense of the absurd.

Joe(the very idea)Nation
No to that as well, Joe. You handle the absurd with unparalleled ambidexterity.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 05:07 pm
Wow, neo, you are talented. It's the first time I've heard these two words used together "unparalleled ambidexterity."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 05:17 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Wow, neo, you are talented. It's the first time I've heard these two words used together "unparalleled ambidexterity."
Joe brings out the best in me. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jul, 2007 07:23 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
Ifeelfree wrote:
While science is a step forward in that it is a refutation of superstition and blind faith, it encourages a materialistic view in which all effects are seen as the result of spontaneous and somewhat random physical processes. This tends to ignore or discredit the possibilities for spiritual transformation and self-transcendence.

You lost me here. One can achieve a great deal of insight, scientific and personal, by using one's mind. Thoughts, emotions and revelations appear as if out of nowhere, but the realist realizes that they all spring from within the same mind, the same being, the same brain. Our own.

Science is founded on materialism -- we attribute material causes to all effects. While this is necessary and useful for doing science, it should not be adopted as a philosophy of life. Using one's mind -- thinking -- can lead to all sorts of useful results. However, what it cannot lead to is the inner peace and release from ego identification that comes from the cessation of compulsive thinking. Only silence can bring that. The mind has its purpose but when mental activity becomes an incessant stream of involuntary and compulsive thinking and the emotions that accompany it, the individual becomes, in a sense, imprisoned by their own mind. We become identified with our own mind-based sense of self. This leads to reactivity, defensiveness, endless complaining, and a mindset of conflict. Do you want peace or drama? To have peace, one must become conscious of stillness -- consciousness without mental activity, without thought. Thinking cannot bring a deep inner peace.
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