cicerone imposter wrote:The biggest clue to knowing the bible was written by men is very simple; they made too many mistakes about 1) creation (they based the age of the world to what they knew at the time without the advantage of science), 2) the world flood (too many problems concerning this claim), and 3) contradictions (god is love, but he approves of slavery and killing).
You are just not seeing it...
Just because humans begins counting days (Stonehenge) does not mean that time did not exist before Eden.
God writes much of the book of Genesis from a human perspective.
To us the world began when we became conscious of it. But to God the earth was prepared long before humans appeared upon it.
I respectfully say it is time for you to consider a change on your view of Genesis. For it is a story that embodies both creation AND evolution. For in order for things to evolve you must first have the "materials" necessary for them to evolve. The big bang theory begins to address this void in our understanding of creation.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (that is the big bang). Then after that you see a dark void appear and God has to repair that creation and revamp it (let there be light). Thus Eden begins and God forms humans from the dust of the ground. It does not say eh creates them from the dust from the ground because the dust of the ground has already been "created". (this is simple logic)
The Bible DOES teach evolution, as bold and apparent as one could get.
Some are just stuck in the confusion of, when humans began to reckon days versus God's time clock.
Genesis subtly merges both perspectives of time and it takes one "aware" of God and likewise the human perspective of time to understand.
God "formed" man and woman from the dust of the ground...
Now if "Gensies" had really wanted to emphasize "creation" it would have said God winked and humans suddenly appeared... or something like that. But no, it says God "formed" them from the "dust"... the process of forming takes "time"... Eve was formed beside (rib) Adam.
How many forms did humans take on before God was finished forming them?
I wonder that if the Bible said it the way you would prefer it said whether if you would still find another reason to doubt it?