Xingu wrote:In other words do you still believe George Bush after all those lies he told us about why we needed to invade Iraq?
have you stopped beating your wife?"I am neither your polar opposite, nor a Bush disciple in any way, shape or form. However, I do think it would be a mistake to pull out of Iraq right now. I've discussed this on hundreds of threads and will not be entering a sustained debate with you about it here. This one's about the SOTU, and before you ask; no
I don't believe for one minute Bush will be acting on much of the Democratic pandering he offered. I do hope one day to have a President who is capable of reaching across the aisle with ease. Bush is not that President.
I thought it was one of his better speeches/performances. I also enjoyed Webb's response.
Xingu point is Bush and various neocons sexed up the rationales for the Iraq invasion and have continued to be misleading since the war, so there is no reason to believe in him now or trust that he knows any better answers than he has to date. Of what earthly good does sending 20,000 more troops do in the situation in Iraq now? If you can't come with an answer, then why in the world must we give it a chance to work? Why can't other solutions be offered and considered? Such as the suggestions in the Iraq study group?
Other than making nonbinding resolutions, there really is nothing we can do stop Bush sending more bodies to the fodder because there is no way congress is going to stop the purse while there are men and women fighting in Iraq.
How long do we give Bush this chance and if it does not change anything in any meaningful way, what then?
Bipolar Bear wrote:Will You Watch The State Of The Union? Not I....
Thomas wrote:Yes, actually, I plan to travel to the Union in a couple of months and expect to take a look at its state. Why are you asking?
Errr....Which Union would that be?
What bothers me more is the simple fact that Bush, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of State are not sharing information with congress on what steps the Iraqi government has promised to meet.
Without knowing these stages of accomplishments by the Iraqi government, Bush will have important information denied our congress.
Do I trust Bush? Absolutely not! He's lied too often.
kelticwizard wrote:Errr....Which Union would that be?
Yeah you're right. Most of the states I'm going to visit actually belong to the confederacy.
Thomas wrote:kelticwizard wrote:Errr....Which Union would that be?
Yeah you're right. Most of the states I'm going to visit actually belong to the confederacy.
well at least you're coming to god's country...
Yes, now that Thomas has wrapped himself in the confederate flag, how long can it be before we see him posting in the sports forum about Nascar and cases of Bud?