Ban Girls Gone Wild Commercials?

Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:09 am
Re: Ban Girls Gone Wild Commercials?
squinney wrote:
Anyway, should these commercials be banned?

No. At least not on cable.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:09 am
dadpad wrote:
It is not spring where you are. but if it were i would say look out your window at the posturing male animals and brightly plumed birds, all displaying their readiness for mating.
I see very little difference.
We readily accept sales of large powerfull motor vehicals for youg men. which fullfills some needs (see how strong and powerfull I am you need a mate who is strong and powerfull). women are generally more about procreation so should they not display their readiness?

i do however have reservations about the exploitation of such behavior for profit.

Are powerfull car sales to young men exploitation?

Right, two girls making out in some trailer is a demonstration of their readiness to keep our species going.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:18 am
Gargamel wrote:

Right, two girls making out in some trailer is a demonstration of their readiness to keep our species going.

Yes! quite clearly a sexual display.

However the thread is really about the showing of a commercial depicting these actions. in a way I would side with the consevatives on this. You dont get a choice if it pops up in the middle of your favorite show.

If people choose to view that is their choice. however i also want the opportunity to choose not to.

All television programs carry a warning here (Nudity violence adult themes etc.) thus I can make a choice on the program I choose to watch. from what has been said here there is no opportunity to choose.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:21 am
littlek wrote:
I think it's of a different callibur than the GGW stuff Squinney's talking about. But, I can't say for sure.

I can't speak for all of Europe. But the stuff on German TV is harder than Girls Gone Wild. Some of it can be watched on unencoded, terrestrial TV channels (not just cable or satellite). Yet the sky still isn't falling here.

Squinney wrote:
For those against censorship - does that mean regular porn should be shown on basic cable? I'm not giving them access to Cinemax. This is on basic cable.

I think regular porn should be allowed to be shown on basic cable. That's different than "should be shown on basic cable".
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:27 am
Who here has seen GGW? The ads, the tapes? Curious.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:29 am
flushd wrote:
Who here has seen GGW? The ads, the tapes? Curious.

I saw some of the tapes. I haven't seen the ads.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:31 am
On a side note..

I dont agree with the idea that experimenting with bi sexuality is an issue.
but this is JUST my opinion.

Quite frankly, I would rather know that in college my daughter was sniffing pubic hairs of another girl then lines of cocaine.

If her excitement and fun is in taboo sex, so be it.
If,, and only if... it was done in a safe responsible way. This includes condoms, std tests and privacy.

If we all spent more time just having sex for the sake of feeling good, as a society we would not feel so uptight about it. There is nothing damaging about having an orgasm. You dont hurt anything. You dont hurt anyone.

I dont personally find anything wrong with just having sex for the sake of having it.
This , in my opinion, does not take away from the value of sex at all.
It just makes you feel good.

And if it were true that you could not enjoy sex if you had it before being married then we as a society would self destruct. I should say.. would HAVE self destructed.

The ideas that sex is wrong, and should be shunned come from americas odd fascination with christianity . Period.

Of course, it also has to do with the fact that there is alot of STD's out there too. Some that can kill you. And that HAS to be addressed. No matter who you are having sex with and what you believe. No prayer , mosque, or book will stop aids from killing you. As an adult, or willing participant of sex, you need to be responsible for your health and your body.

I guess, since I dont believe in the bible, I dont get the whole " no sex" thing..

but again

this is all just my opinion.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:31 am
Porn is regularly deleted from this site, a public forum.

Should it not be? I mean afterall, it's just a guys dick, or a girls boobs or... ? Just part of the mating process. The body is beautiful. It doesn't demean, and shouldn't bother people since Germany isn't falling apart over such things being seen.

Porn is blocked from view (in theory) by those under 18 all over the web. Those under 18 are blocked from walking into a porn shop to browse or buy. Penthouse and Playboy are wrapped in brown paper on the newstand.

But, it's okay to put it on basic cable in the middle of a show thousands of teens watch?
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:35 am
shewolfnm wrote:
On a side note..

I dont agree with the idea that experimenting with bi sexuality is an issue.
but this is JUST my opinion.

Quite frankly, I would rather know that in college my daughter was sniffing pubic hairs of another girl then lines of cocaine.

If her excitement and fun is in taboo sex, so be it.
If,, and only if... it was done in a safe responsible way. This includes condoms, std tests and privacy.

If we all spent more time just having sex for the sake of feeling good, as a society we would not feel so uptight about it. There is nothing damaging about having an orgasm. You dont hurt anything. You dont hurt anyone.

I dont personally find anything wrong with just having sex for the sake of having it.
This , in my opinion, does not take away from the value of sex at all.
It just makes you feel good.

And if it were true that you could not enjoy sex if you had it before being married then we as a society would self destruct. I should say.. would HAVE self destructed.

The ideas that sex is wrong, and should be shunned come from americas odd fascination with christianity . Period.

Of course, it also has to do with the fact that there is alot of STD's out there too. Some that can kill you. And that HAS to be addressed. No matter who you are having sex with and what you believe. No prayer , mosque, or book will stop aids from killing you. As an adult, or willing participant of sex, you need to be responsible for your health and your body.

I guess, since I dont believe in the bible, I dont get the whole " no sex" thing..

but again

this is all just my opinion.

I pretty much agree with this statement, but Girls Gone Wild is a bit more than just sex. It's the exploitation and putting it before children in an unwholesome way.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:38 am
I absolutly agree edgar.

Im just referring to the basic idea of not experimenting with sex.

these tapes I actually dont think should be allowed at all. I would rather see porn then some person taking pictures of young girls drunk at a party. I think it plays into a sex child abuser mentality. Chasing after girls before they become adults..


i truly wont go there.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:38 am
To see porn, you should have to make a conscious effort to turn to the porn channel. GGW commericals don't show up on the tv guide. That's my point of contention.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:53 am
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 11:59 am
Yesterday we buried our 6th teenager in 3 years from just our high school (out of about 15 in the county) due to teenage boys drinking and driving, making bad decisions.

I know they are no more responsible with their "sexual experimenting." (Does no one here remember being invincible?)

That we have a debate going on about when the death penalty or life in prison should be applied to teens, I think it's rather odd that we would not have the same debate over exposing them to lewd, disrespectful sexual behavior and that so many would find this to be acceptable.

As I asked on the previous page, we regularly have porn deleted from this site, a public forum, and we block those under 18 from visiting porn sites or physical porn shops.

Should we stop asking if someone is 18 before allowing them access to porn sites? Porn shops? Leave porn pictures posted on A2K?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 12:04 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
On a side note..

I dont agree with the idea that experimenting with bi sexuality is an issue.
but this is JUST my opinion.

Quite frankly, I would rather know that in college my daughter was sniffing pubic hairs of another girl then lines of cocaine.

If her excitement and fun is in taboo sex, so be it.
If,, and only if... it was done in a safe responsible way. This includes condoms, std tests and privacy.

If we all spent more time just having sex for the sake of feeling good, as a society we would not feel so uptight about it. There is nothing damaging about having an orgasm. You dont hurt anything. You dont hurt anyone.

I dont personally find anything wrong with just having sex for the sake of having it.
This , in my opinion, does not take away from the value of sex at all.
It just makes you feel good.

And if it were true that you could not enjoy sex if you had it before being married then we as a society would self destruct. I should say.. would HAVE self destructed.

The ideas that sex is wrong, and should be shunned come from americas odd fascination with christianity . Period.

Of course, it also has to do with the fact that there is alot of STD's out there too. Some that can kill you. And that HAS to be addressed. No matter who you are having sex with and what you believe. No prayer , mosque, or book will stop aids from killing you. As an adult, or willing participant of sex, you need to be responsible for your health and your body.

I guess, since I dont believe in the bible, I dont get the whole " no sex" thing..

but again

this is all just my opinion.

back in the day I used to snort cocaine OFF a girls pubic area..... and look how well I've turned out :wink:
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 12:06 pm
squinney wrote:
Porn is regularly deleted from this site, a public forum.

Should it not be?

You continue to mix up what's legal for people to do and what's nice of people to do. If Jespah and friends don't want porn on their site, it's fair game for them to delete it. It's their site after all. I'm fine with that.

But when you started this thread, squinney, you referred to a bill that would legally prohibit TV channels from broadcasting Girls Gone Wild commercials. This is different from Jespah deciding, of her own free will, to ban porn from her own site. This is like passing a law that requires Jespah to ban porn from A2K even if she wishes to keep it on. It is this legal obligation to ban content that I have a problem with. I have no problem with the porn not being on in the first place.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 12:06 pm
squinney wrote:
I must say, OBill, that given your stance on abused women, this really surprises me.

Then, I connect the low self esteem, overly sexual behavior suggesting lack of self respect, and inability of men to listen to "no" to over exposure to things like porn and GGW being in our faces.
You're confusing two issues here, Squin. I personally think the commercials have no place at 8:30 pm during Scrubs and were I the Station Manager they wouldn't be aired then. That doesn't mean I don't object to government censorship. Personally, I don't like seeing Tampon commercials, Stiffy Pills, Herpes Meds, ANY Anti-Depression pill ads and am terribly offended by those cartoon guys that like to get under your nails. So what. It's not my place to make that decision for others... and it damn sure isn't the government's job, either. Protection of the First Amendment takes precedence over my objection to materials I don't like. It doesn't work any other way. See "The people Vs. Larry Flint". Just like freedom of speech, you have to accept, in a legal sense, that which you personally find objectionable, or you're standing on a very slippery slope. I do not want my personal choices limited by an arbitrary consensus. That's not FREEDOM.

squinney wrote:
I'll ask again - do you want regular porn on basic cable at 8:00? Shall we go ahead and start advertising strap-ons during American Idol?
No, and No. However, while I have no objection to requiring warnings of Adult Content, I don't want big brother making these decisions. Offense-free Television is not a constitutional right and Television itself is hardly a necessity. My sister chose not to have one in her home for well over a decade, because her standards of acceptability for her children are more stringent than most. She's since lightened up, but to this day her and her husband generally watch TV with their children, mute out ALL commercials and change channels when what they deem inappropriate appears. Pain in the A$$, you betcha… but I'd wager neither would support censorship, even for their own benefit.

squinney wrote:
And, gee, we never see male privates advertised, now do we?
Here you see an example of the slippery slope of censorship. What one arbitrary consensus finds inappropriate; strikes another as a ridiculous distinction. I agree with you that the male/female acceptable/unacceptable standards are beyond absurd... but they only exist because of censorship in the first place. In "The People Vs. Larry Flint", the Flint character played by Woody Harrelson puts on a slide show comparing various degrees of pornographic material against various degrees of violent material, while repeating the question "Which is more offensive, this or this?" He made his case in spades. Now, do you wish to see violence censored in the same manner? And who should decide where the line is? Do we start with the slapstick violence of the 3 stooges or Tom and Jerry Cartoons? Or should we limit our censorship to Faces of Death… or somewhere in between? Who decides? Our government? Not if I can help it. I'll make that decision for myself, thank you.

How about Drugs? Again; who decides where to draw the line? Sponge Bob, Beavis and Butthead, or Cheech and Chong?

My answer to every one of the preceding questions about who should draw the line is ME. Just as you think it should be YOU. The only way to find harmony is if we both respect each other's right to decide for ourselves.

As offensive as I personally find practically every Horror film since Vincent Price stopped appearing in them; these films can not be adequately addressed by Big Brother, beyond a warning label IMO. EVERY attempt to regulate them beyond that represents an unacceptable reduction in my FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 12:09 pm
can't we all just get it on?
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 12:20 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
can't we all just get it on?

Careful mister! There's a legal ban on you coming right along.
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 12:22 pm
Interesting discussion.

I have seen neither the ads nor the tapes so I hesitated to jump into the conversation but we do regulate what can be advertised.

Should we allow cigarette advertising back on TV?
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Reply Sun 21 Jan, 2007 12:23 pm
Smoking is harmful to your health, sex isn't - on the contrary!
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