Chumly wrote:I gather you like skirting, you wear it well!
I believe I've answered every question of yours directly.
To some degree in the most literal fashion I suppose, but certainly not in the spirit of the clear intent of the questions at hand.
For example this:
Chumly wrote:Might I presume you do not see the consummate hypocrisy of claiming that youth seeing pornography is harmful, while at the same time lying about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy; plus behind their innocent backs engaging in warfare, ecological destruction, pogroms, racism, etc?
Should not need to be translated to this: "Do you or so you not see the consummate hypocrisy of claiming that youth seeing pornography is harmful, while at the same time lying about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy; plus behind their innocent backs engaging in warfare, ecological destruction, pogroms, racism, etc? Explain precisely your rationale and reasoning and logic and axioms etc."
In order to secure a response beyond this:
So answer the question there cigar-smoking-skirt-boy as I have translated it for your literalist pleasure.
Chumly wrote:To some degree in the most literal fashion I suppose, but certainly not in the spirit of the clear intent of the questions at hand.
For example this:
Chumly wrote:Might I presume you do not see the consummate hypocrisy of claiming that youth seeing pornography is harmful, while at the same time lying about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy; plus behind their innocent backs engaging in warfare, ecological destruction, pogroms, racism, etc?
Should not need to be translated to this: "Do you or so you not see the consummate hypocrisy of claiming that youth seeing pornography is harmful, while at the same time lying about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy; plus behind their innocent backs engaging in warfare, ecological destruction, pogroms, racism, etc? Explain precisely your rationale and reasoning and logic and axioms etc."
In order to secure a response beyond this:
So answer the question there cigar-smoking-skirt-boy as I have translated it for your literalist pleasure.
No, I don't see the "consummate hypocrisy" involved in that scenario. Why don't you explain the rationale and reasoning behind your bizzare little question, and why you believe it to be so?
One gets the impression that you think children should be exposed to the harsh realities of life, and the earlier the better. Does that sum up your parenting philosophy?
Ban Girls Gone Wild Commercials? Hey! What else if worth watching on television?
First off hello everyone! I have to agree with Squinny. I HATE those freaking commercials!! My hubby likes to watch CC and we always fall asleep only to be woken up by those sleazy tasteless coeds. It ruins my nights sleep and I find myself in a pissy mood the next day. Those girls that participate in those shows are headed for zeroville. Just look at what stripping and posing nude got Anna N. Smith.................DEAD! Now regarding censorship I truley believe that those commercials have no place on basic tv, they should be on the adult pay per view channels since you must be 18or 21(not sure of the age requirement) to purchase them anyway. Now about the kids, no kid should be up watching tv in the middle of the night!
Just some random thoughts here....I was just thinking of this thread last night...around 3am or so while I was trying to find something on tv to doze off to....was on 4 or 5 different channels....and then thought about it again today at work....I get home and see that the thread has been bumped...this happens often.
Anyway, if someone I knew were to hand me one of these videos, I would in no doubt watch it, main reason being, I've seen so many of these teaser commercials that to actually see one would kind of get it over with. And of course the fact that I like boobs...let me say that again...I like boobs, just as much as the next guy. Well, sort of...
...what I like would be better described as cleavage...perhaps some lift support, or not...but just a good old fashioned Jane Russell bobbling bursting at the seams bossom. I really don't enjoy seeing them flailed at me like some medieval torture device, while the girl is whooping "Girls Gone Wild....whoooooo"....and then falls flat on the concrete's just not attractive, nor even cute.
I knew a few girls like this in high of the party, sure...and if you would happen to stumble upon one...alone...without your friends around....just you her and the could act out things you only dreamed about, and or read about in some old Japanese book....Kamikaze Kama Sutra or something.....but you would never be seen on an actual "date" with one. Or God forbid "go with" one...they usually had to seek real relationships with guys from other towns, the guys who were not around to witness her shove an ear of corn the size of my forearm, into places that only doctors are supposed to look...during one of the slow dances in the midst of the prom.
We had names for these types of girls, none of them nice...and I won't mention them here. Honestly I always felt sorry for them, and when something reminds me of one of them, I still feel bad.
So to recap:
Yes, I would watch GGW...doubt I would make it all the way thru though.
Yes, I do think they are sleazy, and should only be on after the kiddies are sound asleep.
No, I do not live in Iowa, but we grow lots of corn in Mo too....and boy do they get big near the river...due to the alluvial deposits and such.
No, to censorship.
There's rattlers in them there fields, too. Ya sure that was a corn cob?
Or, should we start callin' you Sneaky Snake?
Just a cob, she packed it around with her....and I don't want to talk about it anymore.
squinney wrote:Or, should we start callin' you Sneaky Snake?
I was thinkin more along the lines of corn snake..
but have at it
"Cause you're probably too young for Tom T Hall, But 2pack and I...
What part of Missouri, 2pack? I grew up around Rocheport, with corn but I swear I never carried any around with me.
The Bootheel area...I live in a little town near Sikeston...flat land as far as the eye can see, which is how I like it...can see the cops coming from miles away.
You have mentioned being from the Columbia/Boonville area, a thread about the constellation Orion...I think. My parents live in a little town north of KC, so I pass by there quite often. I always enjoy going thru Columbia, so many things named "Stephen" because of the college....{an excellent one at that}. One of their slogans is "I am a Stephens Woman"...that always brings a smile to my face.
Ha! I hadn't ever read it that way!
Love the bootheel. Showed horses down around Sikeston a lot. Beautiful area. And, I do believe those midwestern girls have a little more to flash. Forget Spring Break at the beach. They need to head to the cornfields with their camera's.

I've seen girls of most every walk of life, young and older, give a flash here and there for the fun of it when they're out partying. To assume they're trash, futureless or the town whore is simple ignorance. I suspect some folks would enjoy life more if they got out more and judged less.