There's a chart comparing the fat in pork to that in chicken, beef, etc - including elk here:
MEAT. It's perhaps not the most scientific or unbiased, but it's a start. The USDA has a site where you can plug in a food stuff and they will tell you what it is made of (including all types of fats).
Ham's fat contents are midway between chicken and beef, for the most part.
It's a queastion I've been meaning to ask the internet and one I want to explore for my dad's sake.
Oh, and yeah, I had the same sort of reaction as Osso did about that comment. Pork will NOT help fight cholesterol, or whatever (sorry, it's late). It is better for you, cholesterol-wise than beef, and not as good for you as chicken. If you must continue to eat meat while you worry about cholesterol intake, eat chicken, turkey, fish, etc.