Decapitating the prisoner that you want to hang is not unheard of, but an experienced executioner will take measures to avoid it. If the idea is to break the prisoner's neck rather than just strangle him, then the prisoner has to drop between 4 to 8 feet before the rope snaps taught. In order to calculate the precise length of the drop, an executioner will use a
drop table.
If the drop is too short, there won't be sufficient force to break the prisoner's neck, and he'll just dangle there until he suffocates. Too long of a drop, however, and the force might be enough to pop the prisoner's head like a Pez dispenser. The Iraqis may still be unfamiliar with the mechanics of the whole thing, as it seems that
folks in the Middle East much prefer the slow strangle method rather than the neck-breaking method of hanging. Presumably, with lots of Saddam's relatives left, there will be ample opportunity for the Iraqi executioners to perfect their technique.
For more information on how you too can hang someone,
click here.