Welcome to A2K.
First: I'm going to be a little brutal about your physical pain. You have spent twenty years growing up in the Western World where prolonged pain is not a Fact Of Life. Your post-op pain feels particularly brutal to you because you don't have a lot of experience in dealing with pain.
Questions: In spite of the emergency were you able to have keyhole surgery? Did the emergency involve an infection? Are you getting medication for pain? Do you think the nurses are sympathetic.
Second: Remember pain monopolizes your attention and distorts your impressions. I do not have a medical degree of any kind, but I've had abdominal surgery myself and since my friends are my age, I've collected a lot of second-hand surgical experiences.
I find it difficult to believe that because you vomited as an aftereffect of the anesthesia that your activity will be limited for four weeks. A month of taking it easy is the standard prescription for any sort of abdominal surgery.
Questions: Do you have family or friends who can visit you in the hospital? Do you have access to television? To your favorite music?
Third: Relaxing exercises may help with pain.
Put your bed flat.
Position yourself with your legs slightly apart and your arms slightly away from your side.
Imagine your body as enormously heavy and the pain as something that is weighing you down.
Now breath deeply and imagine the once-established pain evaporating as you exhale.
There is a (to my mind) rather jackass sort of macho motto, "Pain is imperfection leaving the body," but I've never found that a particularly helpful idea.
Fourth: Ignorance increases pain. So does panic.
How much do you know about why your gall bladder up and quit? You have only one gall bladder (and that is history) but are you worried about being ambushed by another of your twenty-year-old, gently-used organs?
Net Doctor has some very helpful information.
Fifth: I'm well aware that time passes much more slowly--and intensively--for a twenty-year-old than for person collecting Social Security. All the same, Time Will Pass.
Good luck.