I would have to say the Xfiles.
Only because I felt I simultaneously created it. Once upon a time in Toronto back in 1983 I was asked by happening television producing friend to submit a TV proposal. I called it " Aaron Quest PHOTOGRAPHER " I fashioned the lead character after myself a freelance photographer who uses a pendulum to solve mysteries and help people. The Photogragher also gravitated towards the mystical, and through his freelance assignments and job for a weekly magazine photographing celebrities, he would find way into mystical adventures.
I gave him a red haired assistant, who was his studio manager and assistant. I got this charecter from having just read about the red haired Vampire in an Anne Rice Novel.
Well, we had the meeting, I was deamed too excitable and my idea was declaired truely Corny . That was the last time that friend and I ever talked about collaborative process's or anything else really.
A few years later after hearing about the Xfiles show, I saw one and said Ohmygod ! This guy has about the same kind of adventures I had.
You see in my proposal I had to give 12 sample show themes. Now these weren't exactly the same or was this show like mine, but after travelling the world twice and hanging out with the Holy people and mysticals I learned alot about Sprits and Legends.
Plus the only show I ever liked as a kid was Johnny Quest or Rod Sterlings Twilight zone and Night Gallery. Add Castanada's The Teachings of Don Juan and the role model of Gandaulf and you have me.
I had a wealth of possible ideas and adventures for my Aaron Quest from having travelled so much throughout the world.
Anyhow, I don't think my proposal had anything to do with that show. But at least I knew I had created it first.