Sat 5 Oct, 2002 02:33 pm
I am totally enthralled with CSI. I think that it is probably one of the most intelligent fictional series that I have ever seen on commercial T.V. I think that "Law & Order" & "Law & Order SVU" comes close. I am reserving decision on the third show in the triology, " Law & Order, Criminal Intent". At first I wasn't impressed, but it is starting to grow on me.
What do the rest of you think?
I think Seinfeld is
the best TV show of all time. Dunno if that's the genre you were looking for though.
I've never seen the shows you
mentioned and probably am not much of a help in TV discussions.
It's very strange.
I never watched Seinfeld the first time around, but have seen all of them on reruns. I am saddened that the cast broke up. I
don't know if the others, except Jerry, can make it on their own. I keep seeing "George" on Kentucky Fried chicken ads.
Jerry is doing standup again.
I think that the Seinfeld group was much greater than the sum of its parts!!
anyone is interested, there is a recipe for soup from the "soup Nazi" on the internet!
I thought the Soup
Nazi wasn't real!
I don't watch TV on television but have watched all the Seinfelds from recordings (I can't stand
broadcasts. I don't get to choose what I watch when I want to watch it).
Phoenix ~ my son got
me hooked on CSI ~ if you like the circumstances of this show, you should read Patricia Cornwell's 'Kay Scarpetta' novels
~ excellent stuff!
Normally, I do not watch television.....sad to say, I needed a pick-me-up after coming home from
work and got myself hooked on reruns of 'Friends'.....and yes, sniff, sniff, now I watch the new Thursday night episodes as
Hi, my name is Rae, and I'm a 'Friends' addict.....
Im a voyeur so
anything remotely in that area is all that interests me....
Okay, Im a recovering Friends addict, as well as ER, and I
also liked Seinfeld in reruns
Okay, I admit
it.....I'm a recovering 'ER' addict as well.
Rae- Love C.S.I.-
Love Patricia Cornwall and Johnathan Kellerman. Kellerman, because he is a psychologist, is one of the only writers who knows
what he is talking about when he describes a mental illness. Most of the other writers screw up the diagnosis or
Since I was in the mental health field, a wrong description sticks out like a sore thumb to me!
Kellerman' ~ oh my! A friend at work noticed my love of reading and gave me a Kellerman book to 'sample'.....I now have
seven of his books in paperback ~ would love to get them in hardback.
He is truly an incredible read. Have to admit
though, that it was difficult in the beginning ~ now that I've read more than a half dozen of his books, I understand his
line of thinking.
Rae, I too was
introduced to Kellerman by a friend
Then I found his wife's books
I digress back to him on occassion
she does a much better job
quinn1 ~ I was
impressed with Faye Kellerman as well. I've read two of hers ~ and it's been ages since.....the Jewish cop? Do I have
that right? I need to get my library card dusted off!!
Seinfeld? Did someone mention Seinfeld?
I LOVED Seinfeld! Sigh....
Did you guys get "Callan"? THAT was a great program.
Today? Hmmmmm - I need to think.... I am sure I would like The Sopranos if I ever really watched it...
i used to love Seinfeld.
i barely watch tv at all anymore. i occasionally watch Sex and the City when someone's over - and i enjoy it when i do, but i won't turn it on without being reminded to.
i was a real Law and Order addict - for a while i was watching 2 - 3 episodes a day, every day - anything for Jerry Orbach.
I think the current best of on tv is Curb Your Enthusiasm, which is on HBO. If you're not familiar, it's a sitcom staring Larry David, the creator of Seinfeld, playing himself. The feel is very Seinfeld-esque, in that it is another show about nothing, but I think it's much funnier. My other must sees are Six Feet Under and CSI (the original one.)
Phoenix, i slowly stopped watching t.v. about 6 years ago when i started renovating. Radio is much easier to follow - turn on all the radios to the CBC and listen to the same thing as i move from room to room.
Right now, I'm waiting for a coat of white enamel urethane to dry on a tabletop, putering, doing laundry, waiting for urethane to dry on something i glued onto a tile that's going onto my backsplash and listening to The Vinyl Cafe. T.V. just doesn't allow that all to happen.
but ... on vacation ... it's t.v. watching crammed into every corner i can get it. especially if i'm in the states and can get Nick at Nite.
What is HBO?
I would LOVE to see the Seinfeld person's show - but I guess we shall not get it over here - sigh.
I loved the ...was it Larry Sanders show? The one about the talk show?
Beth - I love listening to ABC radio - which I guess is much the same as CBC - all based on the BBC.... LBJ took the IRT down to Fourth street USA.... oops, I digress...
dlowan- When you subscribe to Cable TV, there are various opitions. H.B.O. (Home Box Office) is a premium channel for which you pay extra. They have no commercials, and broadcast films, some made especially for them, and have produced shows especially for them.
H.B.O., in its shows, tends to be more explicit and sophisticated in controversial subjects than commercial T.V., although there is no pornography.
We used to have it years ago, but did not find the content worth the extra expense. (But that was only when they just played films!)