Tangential, but...
martybarker wrote:I'd love to hear if anyone has had any experience with this type of thing. I went to a single formal dance friday night with a single girlfriend of mine. As usual, I left the evening with two new girlfriends as the men in general were at least 10 years older than I and totally not my type. I did however, really enjoy myself and accepted just about every dance opportunity that came about. I never turned anyone down based upon their looks or age, I just think that's a little rude. But at least I have more single friends to hang out with now.
Back in 1492 when I was in my twenties, I went with some girlfriends to a get together in a hotel, get together being called something like "Catholic Singles Club". I remember it as this dismal dim room (well, y'know, I'm night-blind) with few people and a bar, across some carpetted plain. Now, I didn't even touch booze until I was twenty-one and at that point I'd probably only had a Manhattan on my birthday, or some such. Wine was not a popular item in the early sixties, at least in my melieu, if I had a melieu.
So, what I remember most from that evening, besides the venue being all the way downtown and a total waste of time, was that when I ventured to ask for a drink at the bar (well, looking back that was a no-no, but the room was near empty), I asked for a gin and soda. The bartender was nonplussed and asked me if I was sure. I wasn't, of course, but insisted I was.
What do I know, I might even like a good gin and, oh, gerolsteiner, now (trying to imagine it, pfui, I don't really like gin... it makes me flooey), but I was plenty embarrassed when I figured out about tonic.
Early sixties were hilariously different than late sixties/early seventies for many. I suppose I could write a minor tome about that.
To Marty, you are so right. Have a good time re meeting possible friends and/or boyfriends. Sometimes (I know folks will argue) a person you aren't immediately fibrillating about, even mostly dismiss, will gain in attraction. Many many many times someone you want to jump will lose it fast. But you know that, why do I act advisory.