shewolfnm wrote:you mean to tell me in NY that there are no horny people?
are you a midget or something?
Oh, there are. In fact, some of them are REALLY horny, including the one I am seeing right now, as a matter of fact. I'm just trying to make my next vacation a really, really, really good one, even though I don't have anyone to go with.
I'd love to go on a cruise to Alaska. That's about the only sightseeing that would get me on a boat considering how sensitive I am to seasickness.
That's saying a lot about the beauty of the place that I'd be willing to vomit my way through vacation to see it. :wink:
The rest of the stuff on a cruise I could do without. I don't drink, don't gamble much and haven't danced since I was a teenager. The rest of the activities I can do here at home for free or nearly free.
"You could also take a look at the classes offered at your neighborhood recreation center if they have those things back east. Find an exercise class, poetry, gardening, cooking or some other one that most likely attracts the demographics you're looking for. You'll learn something and they'll be stuck in a class with you for weeks."
that sounds more like punishment to me !
kicky wants more FUN in his life not POETRY

hamburger wrote:"You could also take a look at the classes offered at your neighborhood recreation center if they have those things back east. Find an exercise class, poetry, gardening, cooking or some other one that most likely attracts the demographics you're looking for. You'll learn something and they'll be stuck in a class with you for weeks."
that sounds more like punishment to me !
kicky wants more FUN in his life not POETRY

Sorry, but I gotta agree with hamburger on this one. BORING! Thank you anyway for the suggestion. It's the thought that counts.
Scrap the cruise, dude. You need to bring a date on those. Brush up on your Spanish; and visit Central or South America. Americans get the Rock Star treatment in Costa Rica, and you might even bump into Craven. Plus, I can direct you to a compound that houses like 30 different little bars, from "Cheers" to Night Club. You're either not interested, gay, or you meet someoneĀ
and that middle option probably wouldn't slow you down, now that I think about it. No other possibilities... unless, of course, you are truly hideous, or talk to women like you talk on A2K; then you can take refuge in the fact that prostitution is legal as well and lacks the stigma. Airfare is more than the Bahamas; but your money goes 5 times as far when you get there. I'm told most of the Americas are the same way, but I don't know of anyplace as safe. Oh, and if you're interested in something beyond a plethora of beautiful women; it's probably just about the most beautiful country on earth. You can watch a live volcano if you wish, surf some of the best surf anywhere, fish or dive in one the world's top spots, or drive from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean in a matter of hours. Easily, my best recommendation.
Ah, I was wondering when Bill would be by with the Costa Rica suggestion.

Dude, why don't you just move there already!? You know you want to!
I have a feeling I can find a much cheaper way to go than that, but it definitely sounds pretty damn much like paradise. I will definitely look into it.
You could probably round up a possee and invade Craven's place with Gus, Bill, Slappy, Vinny and a few others to share the costs.
kickycan wrote:Ah, I was wondering when Bill would be by with the Costa Rica suggestion.

Dude, why don't you just move there already!?
Your mouth to God's ears! I might just be doing that in the next few months.
That's a trippy avatar there butterfly... How'd you get it to alternate between Gus and Kicky's main squeeze?
That's Gus' old lady. You mean to say that Kicky's been making moves on the ol' ratzenhofer clan?
She moves light white lightning on a hound dog's beehind. I'm surprised either one of 'em could catch 'er.
oops, failed re disabling html.
Beg pardon.
I'd love to hear if anyone has had any experience with this type of thing. I went to a single formal dance friday night with a single girlfriend of mine. As usual, I left the evening with two new girlfriends as the men in general were at least 10 years older than I and totally not my type. I did however, really enjoy myself and accepted just about every dance opportunity that came about. I never turned anyone down based upon their looks or age, I just think that's a little rude. But at least I have more single friends to hang out with now.
I met one of my best girlfriends at a single event 20 years ago. I think it's hard to find someone of the opposite sex that you have mutual chemistry with, but it's fairly easy to find a friend with whom you share interests. I also like the idea of not rejecting someone up front because of physical appearance, who knows - maybe they have a brother or buddy who is more to your liking.
As for Kicky - I agree with Osso and Bill about cruises, boring unless you bring a date. It's also an easy way to pack on the pounds since the only thing to do (when you're not having sex) is to eat. Hamburger is welcome to the deck, I felt like a hamster in wheel going around that thing. There are all kinds of single trips - how about going back to Europe for a couple of weeks or to South America? Find a travel agent and ask what they can recommend. I've never heard much good about ClubMed or Sandals, they seem very much a meat market for the bitter divorced and desperate (hope I don't insult anyone with that).
This male friend of mine swears by going on Carnival Cruises. Every year this is his choice of a warm vacation. He says many single women travel on these cruises to party and few single men go so you have a huge ratio in your favor. I would suggest to just avoiding times when there are school vacations - more families and if you want to avoid the college crowds - spring break time. Carnival Cruises are also supposed to be somewhat affordable. Carnival is supposed to have the reputation of being more on the lines of a party cruise than the other cruise lines.
I have been to South Beach in Miami and I would think this would also fit your requirements. Again if trying to avoid the very young crowd - avoid going during spring break.
Screw that cruise ****. I just booked three nights at a hotel in South Beach, baby!!! I'm taking a week off and we're going all over Florida. South Beach is our last stop before coming home. YES!
kickycan wrote:Screw that cruise ****. I just booked three nights at a hotel in South Beach, baby!!! I'm taking a week off and we're going all over Florida. South Beach is our last stop before coming home. YES!
Although there are a good amount of gays in South Beach too.
Linkat wrote:kickycan wrote:Screw that cruise ****. I just booked three nights at a hotel in South Beach, baby!!! I'm taking a week off and we're going all over Florida. South Beach is our last stop before coming home. YES!
Although there are a good amount of gays in South Beach too.
That's an understatement. Considering the area's population; it probably puts Key West to shame. Have fun Kicky!
by the way, Kicky, I was going to pm you but I might as well just type it here - someone sent me a link to a website about italy that I like so far...