Well, the Malus Sargentii 'Tina' is on the link I showed earlier - it seems way too small to me, 5 feet tall, 6' wide, at maturity???? If that is true, is that what you want?
I have to monitor my responses. My partner and I charged leagues more money for a design, but we split the money and different bits of the work, plus hours of saying, what about this?; we each had long experience and multiple licenses, extensive portfolios, doing large and small projects, not to be puffy, but just true.
For the front and back yards with demo plan, grading plan, construction plan with elevations and details for structures - and precise planting plans with latin and common names and plant sizes and notes, perhaps with irrigation and lighting plan, for all of those, specifications on how to install with a maintenance section --- all that after a concept plan was chosen, further plans depending on what was needed, and sometimes only the concept plan was necessary - so the contract was written that way. The whole set could run people some money. For a simple job, 2500 to 4500. , not so simple, more. Given plans, they could get it bid to specs from different landscape companies. A simple concept alone, given the mapping involved and the grading, you have to work out to even begin to draw, would run between 800. and 1200. unless there were pools, ponds, decks, outdoor kitchen, etc., then the concept itself could be higher.
So, I see this guy has spare plant language, doesn't designate full names, much less sizes, so I dunno. I seriously doubt you're going to see elevations, but his fee for the plan is tiny. It looks like he is used to not drawing much.
Where are the new walls?
I will try to not butt in further, just bring up any plant matter I notice.