Thank you, Bill, I just love getting my way once in a while - now, ain't that just like a woman?
I also think Bush is AWODIAC ...
(absent without daddy's influence and contacts)
But present on board an aircraft carrier - saying he was experienced!!!! AWotoe - absent without official training or experience. Listening to him brings me to AWEH - absent with empty head. No - that makes no sense. Getting giddy.
Bookmarking while I go get a link which may not be in here...
This is one of those links to a site which mysteriously disappeared. However, someone had archived it and is providing a link to it In Archive. That means some of the links within the website may no longer go anywhere... (SomeOne Doesn't Want us to know?)
Norman Mailer takes on this issue in the latest NY Review of Books. While I'm not a huge fan of Mailer's, he has some good things to say, particularly about Bush the latter-day fly boy. Bush is truly shameless to impersonate a pilot after his failure to perform while in the reserves.
Why is it, I wonder, that people in the military don't absolutely despise him for being such a fake?
Hey, Mama's back!
D'art: One would think the military does despise him and just has to put on a show, but then again, does the military "think" at all? (sorry for that shot!) ...
Naw, they're all a buncha dumb humps.
Lil' bit - since I'm one of the dumb humps.
Thought so. Just checking.
I'm about halfway through that Mailer piece, D'art, and find it illuminating and amusing. Tempting to quote from him...
Tartarin - when I went to look this up I found a number of links and websites had closed. Kerry has started making some references - meanwhile comparing to his own actual experiences, which may be useful. I note that a number of little bits of information about Bush have a way of disappearing - can't find anything on his educational background. And I've said this before, but........I also did a search to see if the Bush family (who've had real money for several generations now) have done anything good with it. Research foundations, charitable foundations and/or trusts - that kind of thing. The only thing I could find was something called the Barbara Bush Library, which actually solicits funds for its upkeep, and doesn't do very much of anything, except maintain a library. No other references to anything done by the Bushes at all.
This has got to be one of the most secretive presidents and administrations going. Where, for instance, are the daughters? They're not kids anymore - they're in their twenties. Where are any members of the Bush family at normal celebrations, such as birthdays, thanksgiving, Christmas? Where actual records and histories of his work experience, such as it was?
Last night, for the first time, I heard on a regular broadcast news, a regular announcer refer to his "Top Gun" arrival on the aircraft carrier. This was in marked contrast to the hero thing when he did it. And, as the victorious president leader of a recently fought war, has he been to Iraq yet in these past months?
Snood, if there's one thing I can't think of you as, it's a dumb hump. Are you in the know about any of this? What did you think of that silly little plane trip? Or can't you say? My husband, who was in that branch of service, tells me to be charitable, but then he can't think of where to take it from there.
Mamaj -- Greg Palast has done a film (have I told you this before) about the Bush family for the BBC. It is having a hard time getting seen in the US (sowhatelseisnew) but he will make it available eventually on VHS (I think) through his website (I think). It summarizes all the stuff we all know -- or I know a lot of because I joined a little posse on Abuzz which did some research. Palast has got the Arbusto/Harken/Bahrain deal (which I researched in depth for Abuzz) nailed and does it very humorously as in: Why would a smart Bahrain investment group suddenly dump a deal with Amoco and turn it over to a tiny, bankrupt oil exploration group in Texas?
Can you get over this "bring 'em on!" nonsense from our Tiger in Chief???
First he dons a warriors clothing -- now he dares people to try to kill our troops.
Is this guy nuts as well as stupid -- or just very, very stupid?
One thing I'd really like to see come out of all this -- proof that Karl Rove WAY underestimates the intelligence of the American voter.