Sun 29 Jun, 2003 12:23 am
Timeline on Bush's attendance in his service career. Or rather, the AWOL part.
No, Mama, he wasn't AWOL, he was AWOC: absent without conscience which is a condition which seems to afflict those who "were born on 3rd base and think they had hit a triple"... to coin a phrase...
Was Bush AWOL
On another posting one of the Bushites clamed we stupid citizens dont understand the military. He claims Bush was in the reserves and one cannot be awol from the reserves. I thought he was in the texas national guard. Are the national guard and the US reserves the same organization. I thought the guard was a state organization.
Welcome, rabel22: what a delicious first post! Thank you ...
Welcome rabel. Obviously this person was as informed about the military as he is about Bush. What thread was this?
Thanks for the thread. It tarnishes the image of the "flight-suit Dubya" which he attempted to create at the close of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
It was on abuzz. I was invited to this site by someone on abuzz so I'm just now posting. Got a lot to learn. How does one post pictures here? Well when I get more time I'll read the instructiones. Always a last resort.
Rabel - go to the picture you want to post. Right click on it, and scroll down and select 'properties'. When the properties screen of the picture comes up, highlight the url address of the picture(careful - you want the one located near the center of the widow, not the top), and then right click on what you highlighted, scroll and select 'copy'. Then come back to A2K, in the thread that you want to reply to, and click a 'reply' button. When the 'Post a Reply' window appears, click on the box that says 'IMG', right click on the address window which appears and select 'paste'. Now you should have your picture in your reply. To check and see if it worked, click on the 'preview' button at the bottom of the window, and see whatcha got!
Regarding the question concerning the National Guard and the U.S. Reserves. Yes, they are separate, with the Guard being under the control of the states; however they are both considered reserve forces, with the guard being more combat ready and usually the first to be called up (federalized) in event of a national emergency.
Oh hoh! I got this from an abuzz thread, but never went back to see what else had come in.
If we don't start de-bunking some of the Bush myth so carefully constructed by Rove, Norquist, et al, we'll have trouble.
Bush was AWOG Absent With Out Guts.
Now that we've all agreed there's no doubt Bush was AWOL, we can play a neverending game: AWO_
AWOB: Absent WithOut Brain
AWOBOB Absent without brains or balls....
AWC - Absent With Cocaine
AWAWOC = Absent With Alcohol Without Courage
Even in his absence, his oozing false sincerity makes me want to throw-up.
Thanks, Mr. Webb, for reviving this little thread! BTW, didn't you used to be in Dragnet?
Anyway, "oozing false sincerity": I like that, so he would become NAOFS
Not Absent Oozing False Sincerity
How about NASTY ... or
Not Absent Stupidly Talking Yutz
Isn't that superfluous? Couldn't it just be:
SY - Super Yutz
Well, strictly speaking (and you all know how very strict I am!), you are correct, BillW, but I started this with a Absent Without, allowed it to become Absent Without or Absent With and now you've taken my game too far. Sweetie wants it to remain the same; change is hard! Yours would make it NASY, which is alright, but I like it NASTY...that's ok, BillW; I know, I know, change is good for us . . .
Ok, plain ole NASTY it is