baldimo :
if you are interested in the relations between the united states of america and vietnam , you might be interested to read to address given by the u.s. ambassador to vietnam in - of all places - HO CI MINH CITY !
Remarks by Ambassador Michael W. Marine
The United States and Vietnam:
Vision for an Evolving Relationship
Ho Chi Minh City, September 20, 2006
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. As I hope you all already know, the United States and Vietnam have developed a close partnership and a growing friendship in the past eleven years since the normalization of diplomatic relations. Today, after serving as U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam for just over two years, I would like to take a moment to examine the current state of our bilateral relations and outline what I see as bright prospects for the further development and deepening of our ties.
Last year, we heralded the tenth anniversary of the normalization of relations. The anniversary itself was celebrated by both countries as an important milestone, not due to the passage of time, but rather because of the significant and often startling progress we have made so many areas. No one can deny that we have come a long way, from that halting beginning to the rich panoply of shared interests we enjoy today. Just take the last 15 months, for example! In mid-2005, then Prime Minister Phan Van Khai made his historic and very successful trip to the United States. Since that visit, the U.S. Secretaries of Defense, Health and Human Services, Treasury and Veterans Affairs, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the new U.S. Trade Representative, as well as the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command and hundreds of other U.S. Government visitors, have come to Vietnam for meetings with their counterparts. Senior Vietnamese Government officials have also been traveling in the opposite direction, most recently Minister of Health Madam Tran Thi Trung Chien. This high level of interaction and dialogue will continue, culminating in President George W. Bush's visit to Vietnam this fall for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Meeting.
would be unreasonable to assume that if the united states withdrew from iraq now , a u.s. ambassador to iraq might in a few years say :
" Last year, we heralded the tenth anniversary of the normalization of relations. The anniversary itself was celebrated by both countries as an important milestone, not due to the passage of time, but rather because of the significant and often startling progress we have made so many areas."
might he make a comparison between president bush' visit to vietnam and a visit by another u.s. president to an independent iraq
would this not prove that "the pen is mightier than the sword"