Is the Word of God such a fragile thing that it can only survive if foisted on an unwilling population? I feel sorry for those who have so little confidence in the Word of God that they think it can be "stolen" simply by losing the unconstitutional preferential treatment Christian beliefs had been given by the courts. If God's Word were truly in people's hearts, they wouldn't need to demand that it be in courtrooms as well.
This country was founded on separation of church and state, and IMO freedom of religion is one of the things that made it great. It was not founded on Christianity, nor was our legal system based on the 10 commandments or the 600+ rules God gave Moses concurrently with them. a lot of American citizens are not Christians, those that are diiffer on basic tenets, and the government has no right to impose religious beliefs on anyone. Trust in God and his minions for that.
The Bible does not belong in our courts. It advocates intolerance, slavery, subjugating women, beating children, exterminating your neighbors, killing people for minor offenses, sacrificing animals and performing magical rites. It has a lot of good advice, but it is mixed in with so much garbage, ancient history and superstitions that I do not believe that it is - or ever was - actually the Word of God. (I don't believe the Quran is either, Raul)
Quote:Psalms 144:15
Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.
The Israelites were not a happy people. Their God repeatedly failed them and then punished them for turning to other gods when he did not meet their needs. Have you ever read the
entire Bible? I highly recommend that you do so before advocating its wholesale adoption by anyone.