Diest TKO wrote:RexRed wrote:Diest TKO wrote:Quote:
If the agnostics and atheists were so ok with themselves and God then they would not feel it necessary for them to aggressively push to sanitize culture of every remnant of (specifically) Christianity.
I believe that they are fine with God, the beef is with religion and politics.
It is one thing to be free to be a christian in a country, it is another to try and be a christian country.
We should not live in a christian country.
The ACLU's crusade against the Bible, God and Christianity...
Interesting choice of words. I believe the only real crusades are led by christians, and usually it involves killing muslims.
Other methophical crusades lecd by christians include the degrodation of non-heterosexuals and their rights.
Christians lead their crusades, don't be surprized when culteres fight back, let's not forget who crossed whose borders both physically and metaphorically.
Is the liberal world a bit confused or just on the wrong side of the fence?
You may need to learn the distinction between Christians and Christianity.
Endulge me.
Christianity is the ideal of liberty and Christians are this ideal in practice.
The ideal is perfect but the practice is only as good as the mind of the Christian and their knowledge of the spirit's way of liberty.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world [law]: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Just because a Christian believes in God for one moment does not mean that suddenly all of the old habit patterns of the mind become erased.
Christian character takes time to develop.
This belief in the ideals of God opens them up to the guidance of the spirit but the (legalistic) mind is still present and must be renewed (thought by thought) to the love of liberty. So "many" Christians profess a love for God but they fail to renew their minds to the ideals of God.
This is the word being stolen.