"STEAL THE WORD" (the Holy Bible and the US Govt.)

Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 02:32 am
Do I have to remind you of your position? Don't forget you have a duty to your country. Vote Dubyah for 2008! The church must repeal term limits for the devout. Get on it brother! Spread the word of truth!
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 02:41 am

If the agnostics and atheists were so ok with themselves and God then they would not feel it necessary for them to aggressively push to sanitize culture of every remnant of (specifically) Christianity.

I believe that they are fine with God, the beef is with religion and politics.

It is one thing to be free to be a christian in a country, it is another to try and be a christian country.

We should not live in a christian country.


The ACLU's crusade against the Bible, God and Christianity...

Interesting choice of words. I believe the only real crusades are led by christians, and usually it involves killing muslims.

Other methophical crusades lecd by christians include the degrodation of non-heterosexuals and their rights.

Christians lead their crusades, don't be surprized when culteres fight back, let's not forget who crossed whose borders both physically and metaphorically.


Is the liberal world a bit confused or just on the wrong side of the fence?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 03:14 am
I think that with most modern "liberal" ideas, true liberty cannot be achieved without God.

It takes God for liberty to work. Without God, liberty is a cage, a prison of sociopath and rational . Without God then one must fall back upon the law by their own advance.

The essence of liberty is the faith in a "living guide" that is divinely created within us by God. This guide teaches us our own unique way and calling with God. It is stronger and more precice and personal than the law could ever be.

It is the belief in an identity spirit born within that teaches us right from wrong not a belief in "the law" that guides our actions and deeds.. This distinction must be understood.

It is this biblical principle that is the reason why every single child who leaves high school is not required to today be a lawyer or attorney "by law". Liberty is freedom from the law, not because God was a myth, a fairy tale, the easter bunny and really only a flying spaghetti monster but because that God is real and the spirit gift from God is the new guide of the human soul and body.

For one to become "free from the law" it requires a logical process of thought and reason. This requires an exchange with a "higher power"... Freedom from the law can not be justified on one's own, supreme justice belongs only to God... Clemency can only be granted by a higher authority than the individual themself. Thus liberty requires the clemency of God.

There was once a time when the law was pounded into the minds of all children of antiquities. In other words, they were taught sin before they even had the chance to conceive of the idea of sin on their own. This was only increasingly stealing innocence and obscuring the reality and presence of the inner human spirit.

Around the year zero the old law was "fulfilled" and liberty was born, but it's message was unfortunately short lived in the first century. This message though fragile today still lives in the hearts and minds of those who have taken the time to search out lady liberty and learn of her secrets.

Peace with God
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 03:17 am
Diest TKO wrote:

If the agnostics and atheists were so ok with themselves and God then they would not feel it necessary for them to aggressively push to sanitize culture of every remnant of (specifically) Christianity.

I believe that they are fine with God, the beef is with religion and politics.

It is one thing to be free to be a christian in a country, it is another to try and be a christian country.

We should not live in a christian country.


The ACLU's crusade against the Bible, God and Christianity...

Interesting choice of words. I believe the only real crusades are led by christians, and usually it involves killing muslims.

Other methophical crusades lecd by christians include the degrodation of non-heterosexuals and their rights.

Christians lead their crusades, don't be surprized when culteres fight back, let's not forget who crossed whose borders both physically and metaphorically.


Is the liberal world a bit confused or just on the wrong side of the fence?


You may need to learn the distinction between Christians and Christianity.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 04:59 am
Terry wrote:
(I don't believe the Quran is either, Raul)

Do they say, "Who has invented it?" Say: "Then produce a sura(chapter) like it and call on anyone you can besides Allah if you are telling the truth." (Surah Yunus: 38)
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Diest TKO
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 10:19 am
RexRed wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:

If the agnostics and atheists were so ok with themselves and God then they would not feel it necessary for them to aggressively push to sanitize culture of every remnant of (specifically) Christianity.

I believe that they are fine with God, the beef is with religion and politics.

It is one thing to be free to be a christian in a country, it is another to try and be a christian country.

We should not live in a christian country.


The ACLU's crusade against the Bible, God and Christianity...

Interesting choice of words. I believe the only real crusades are led by christians, and usually it involves killing muslims.

Other methophical crusades lecd by christians include the degrodation of non-heterosexuals and their rights.

Christians lead their crusades, don't be surprized when culteres fight back, let's not forget who crossed whose borders both physically and metaphorically.


Is the liberal world a bit confused or just on the wrong side of the fence?


You may need to learn the distinction between Christians and Christianity.

Endulge me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 10:49 am
Diest TKO wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:

If the agnostics and atheists were so ok with themselves and God then they would not feel it necessary for them to aggressively push to sanitize culture of every remnant of (specifically) Christianity.

I believe that they are fine with God, the beef is with religion and politics.

It is one thing to be free to be a christian in a country, it is another to try and be a christian country.

We should not live in a christian country.


The ACLU's crusade against the Bible, God and Christianity...

Interesting choice of words. I believe the only real crusades are led by christians, and usually it involves killing muslims.

Other methophical crusades lecd by christians include the degrodation of non-heterosexuals and their rights.

Christians lead their crusades, don't be surprized when culteres fight back, let's not forget who crossed whose borders both physically and metaphorically.


Is the liberal world a bit confused or just on the wrong side of the fence?


You may need to learn the distinction between Christians and Christianity.

Endulge me.

Christianity is the ideal of liberty and Christians are this ideal in practice.

The ideal is perfect but the practice is only as good as the mind of the Christian and their knowledge of the spirit's way of liberty.

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world [law]: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Just because a Christian believes in God for one moment does not mean that suddenly all of the old habit patterns of the mind become erased.

Christian character takes time to develop.

This belief in the ideals of God opens them up to the guidance of the spirit but the (legalistic) mind is still present and must be renewed (thought by thought) to the love of liberty. So "many" Christians profess a love for God but they fail to renew their minds to the ideals of God.

This is the word being stolen.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 10:58 am

Christianity is the ideal of liberty and Christians are this ideal in practice.

Liberty! How delicious! Liberty for slaves, and homosexuals and non-Christians, and, and, and...

Why if we had sucha magical and promising religion guiding our country, all us non christians would be so liberated. We be so free, we'd start calling ourselves the Liberated States of Christian Occadent Land, formally known as peaceful pagan native existance continent.


The ideal is perfect but the practice is only as good as the mind of the Christian and their knowledge of the spirit's way of liberty.

Holding out for ideal standards, only further supports not making a Christian country.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 11:06 am
Diest TKO wrote:

Christianity is the ideal of liberty and Christians are this ideal in practice.

Liberty! How delicious! Liberty for slaves, and homosexuals and non-Christians, and, and, and...

Why if we had sucha magical and promising religion guiding our country, all us non christians would be so liberated. We be so free, we'd start calling ourselves the Liberated States of Christian Occadent Land, formally known as peaceful pagan native existance continent.


The ideal is perfect but the practice is only as good as the mind of the Christian and their knowledge of the spirit's way of liberty.

Holding out for ideal standards, only further supports not making a Christian country.

It is not what we make or decide it is what has been decided in the invisible kingdoms of the spirit. The law of the spirit is already in effect.

If we adhere to these "Christian" ideals of love and liberty then we will prosper and become a happy nation if we do not we will fall simply into decadence and the legalistic way of life will creep back in an be the ruin of our "democracy"... No amount of tree hugging will stop the evil that can pour out of the human heart ruled by fear. The law simply put brings sin consciousness to the forefront... liberty brings the consciousness of a super conqueror of fears...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 11:14 am
I believe besides Jesus [pbuh] and his walk of liberty, in his life, Mohammed [pbuh] also walked in this liberty of the spirit. Mohammad was a prophet of the messiah Jesus Christ and therefore a prophet of liberty.

Yet the liberty of Mohammed has been sadly lost in Islam today just as the liberty of Christ has also been lost in modern Christianity.

Shall liberty become lost within our court systems too?

Shall the pursuit of law eclipse the pursuit of happiness?
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 11:26 am
Christianity stood by and did nothing during slavery! If anything, Christianity is only the proponent of it's one liberty, not mankind's.

The same goes for all issues related to equal rights.

If our country steps up and says that we should all have equal rights, I hardly find it to be decedant.

Tell me what is so decadant about America?

Or actually tell me about our decadance and how the absence of Christianity EXCLUSIVELY is a viable solution.

example: Glutony, Americans eat very unhealthy, and eat a lot. How would Christianity EXCLUSVIELY resove this? Are Christians less decedant in this way? I'd imagine the opposite.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 11:26 am
The law is a sword that impales those who are drawn unto it...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 11:37 am
Diest TKO wrote:
Christianity stood by and did nothing during slavery! If anything, Christianity is only the proponent of it's one liberty, not mankind's.

The same goes for all issues related to equal rights.

If our country steps up and says that we should all have equal rights, I hardly find it to be decedant.

Tell me what is so decadant about America?

Or actually tell me about our decadance and how the absence of Christianity EXCLUSIVELY is a viable solution.

example: Glutony, Americans eat very unhealthy, and eat a lot. How would Christianity EXCLUSVIELY resove this? Are Christians less decedant in this way? I'd imagine the opposite.

Maybe you ought to re-read your Bible. You are making the same error that many self proclaimed "Christians" have made...

Ga 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Even in today's psyche there is still considered a difference between male and female... When will we ever get to the point in our minds when this scripture becomes not only an ideal but a reality? 2000 years ago this was written and we are still requiring women to dress differently than men in many countries...

The problem is not just Christians it is liberals who are self righteous and do not perceive the living guide of the spirit within. It is also legalistic people who are so consumed by the law themselves that they feel the guilt and fear to in response impose it upon others.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 12:05 pm
RexRed wrote:
I believe besides Jesus [pbuh] and his walk of liberty, in his life, Mohammed [pbuh] also walked in this liberty of the spirit. Mohammad was a prophet of the messiah Jesus Christ and therefore a prophet of liberty.

Yet the liberty of Mohammed has been sadly lost in Islam today just as the liberty of Christ has also been lost in modern Christianity.

Shall liberty become lost within our court systems too?

Shall the pursuit of law eclipse the pursuit of happiness?

Peace and salutions be upon you Rex,

You mean Muhammad was a Prophet of God, just as Jesus was. They were all God-sent blessings for mankind.

Libert of what exactly? The religion they brought us was much more than just to understand God, but it was also a way of life to ensure we stayed within God's set limits and thus earning His love and blessings. Eventually earning Paradise. Of course expect to be put through a stern test through different trials, but eventually those who remain patient will be graciously rewarded.

Anyways, Christ (peace and salutations be upon him) will return before Judgement Day at a time when the World will be in severe oppression and disarray. Soon enough it seems as the state of peoples' lives just keeps on getting worse every year. And Allah knows best.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 12:07 pm
"Mankind's" liberty is the same liberty as Christianity....

To above all love God and understand the spirit guide and to love others as ourselves and by doing so dwell together in unity and peace.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 12:14 pm
Raul-7 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I believe besides Jesus [pbuh] and his walk of liberty, in his life, Mohammed [pbuh] also walked in this liberty of the spirit. Mohammad was a prophet of the messiah Jesus Christ and therefore a prophet of liberty.

Yet the liberty of Mohammed has been sadly lost in Islam today just as the liberty of Christ has also been lost in modern Christianity.

Shall liberty become lost within our court systems too?

Shall the pursuit of law eclipse the pursuit of happiness?

Peace and salutions be upon you Rex,

You mean Muhammad was a Prophet of God, just as Jesus was. They were all God-sent blessings for mankind.

Libert of what exactly? The religion they brought us was much more than just to understand God, but it was also a way of life to ensure we stayed within God's set limits and thus earning His love and blessings. Eventually earning Paradise. Of course expect to be put through a stern test through different trials, but eventually those who remain patient will be graciously rewarded.

Anyways, Christ (peace and salutations be upon him) will return before Judgement Day at a time when the World will be in severe oppression and disarray. Soon enough it seems as the state of peoples' lives just keeps on getting worse every year. And Allah knows best.

Mohammed was a prophet of of God but of Christ also because he spoke of the word of Christ. Mohammed believed on Christ as the living word and spirit of God [PBUH].
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 12:21 pm
Also Raul,

The boundaries are set by the spirit and ultimately God, not the law... then law is only a rough construct of the living breathing presence and reality of God's [PBUH] rule within the spirit..
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 12:28 pm
God rules with a view toward grace and mercy and not vengeance and death.

Peace with God.

God gives us the construct of liberty to reveal the inadequacies of the law.

Liberty is the guide and God is the torch...

1John 1:5
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 01:09 pm
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 10 Jan, 2007 01:15 pm
RexRed wrote:

Ga 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

How is ANY of this relevant to real slavery? It was not our world's great relgious leaders that led us to be free.
0 Replies

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