rosborne979 wrote:Eorl wrote:Creationism, as literally described in most bibles, can easily be proved false
You mean, "excluding the possibility of magic" of course. Right?
Unfortunately, if a person's world view includes the possibility of magic, then nothing can be proven (or dis-proven), even beyond a reasonable doubt.
Well, Ros, when Eorl says 'as described in the Bible' , that doesn't seem to exclude supernatural means, does it?
Are you saying he cannot prove creationism to be false? He thinks he can easily do so.
You aren't trying to discourage him, are you?
On the evolutionary side, isn't it also true that when evolutionists use statements like:
'We don't know how evolution happened, we just know that it DID happen.'
that they are effectively setting up evolution as unfalsifiable?
Come what may, the goal of making the information 'fit' into evolution, and therefore interpreting it ONLY in that way, remains constant doesn't it?