real life wrote:Several recent polls have shown that about 40% of scientists who believe in evolution do not believe that natural processes alone can account for the variety of life on Earth as we know it.
They are evolutionists, but still they do not think of evolution as a purely natural process that is capable of producing the type of life we have here today.
Straw man and red herring, tripe, poppycock and balderdash, both implied and outright falsehood; bullshit. Creationists/ID-iots persist in dragging up that absurd duplicity as though the polls referrenced mean something other than what they mean.
What shown is is that among the overall demographic designated by the poll designers as "Scientists", attitudes are not materially different from attitudes throughout the population as a whole - that and nothing more, nothing less. For purposes of the polls referenced, the term "Scientists" applies across the entire spectrum of academic and professional scientific disciplines, ranging from adaptive software engineering through zoologic park design. In those polls, a nutritionist's responses are weighted no differently than are a mechanical engineer's, a Master of Library Sciences' no differently from those of a genetic research specialist.
The fact of the matter is that the polls show that 55% of "Scientists" ascribe to a purely naturalistic view of evolution, 40%
allow there may have been a deistic role in what otherwise has been a naturalistic process, and a mere 5% swallow the Creationist twaddle hook-line-and-sinker.
Quote:(A)ccording to the random survey of 1000 persons listed in the 1995 American Men and Women of Science
55% of scientists hold a naturalistic and atheistic position on the origins of man
Scientists almost unanimously accept Darwinian evolution over millions of years as the source of human origins. But 40%...include God in the process.
Only 5 percent of the scientists agreed [with] the biblical view that God created humans "pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10 000 years."
The survey ... asked ... the same Gallup Poll question posed to the public in 1982 and 1991. In the 1991 round, 40 percent of Americans said God "guided" evolution to create humans.
While this 40% is a middle ground of agreement between scientists and the public, there is a sharp polarization between the groups taking purely naturalistic or biblical views. While most scientists are atheistic about human origins, nearly half of Americans adhere to the biblical view that God created humans "pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10 000 years." Forty-six percent of Americans agreed with this view of human origins in the 1991 Gallup poll. Only 5 percent of the scientists agreed.
The standard view in science is that modern-day Homo sapiens emerged 40,000 years ago and began to organize societies 10,000 years ago. The oldest humanlike ape is called Australopithecus, or "southern ape." It was found in Africa and is believed to date back 4 million years. Homo erectus developed 1.8 million years ago. Neanderthals roamed Europe and Asia beginning 100,000 years ago.
The survey was a separate but parallel study to one reported in Nature (1997 Apr 3; 386:435-6) in which 40 percent of the same scientists reported a belief in a God who answers prayers and in immortality. Both surveys were conducted by a reporter for the Washington Times and Edward J Larson, a historian of science at the University of Georgia. The report in Nature was based on a replication of a 1916 survey that scandalized Americans by finding that 45 percent of scientists were atheists and 15 percent were agnostics.
So, in proper, honest perspective, it becomes evident 95% of "Scientists" overall do not endorse the Creationist/ID-iot proposition, and that only around 40% of " ... scientists reported a belief in a God who answers prayers and in immortality." Even at that, "Scientists", for the purposes of the cited polls, comprise a broad and undifferentiated demographic; "Science" encompasses far more than those disciplines directly relevant to the study of the origins and development of this planet and its biosphere - the "Earth and Life Sciences." Here, the picture is different - strikingly different:
Only 0.14% of earth and life scientists subscribe to one of the creation science belief systems ...
There you have it; 99.86% of those relevantly credentialled in, legitimately working in, those who actually know what they're talking about when they talk about evolution, the legitimate authorities on the subject -
99.86% of them - reject the Creationist/Id-iot proposition.
From The University of California, Berkeley website
Understanding Evolution:
Quote:Lines of evidence: The science of evolution
At the heart of evolutionary theory is the basic idea that life has existed for billions of years and has changed over time.
Overwhelming evidence supports this fact. Scientists continue to argue about details of evolution, but the question of whether life has a long history or not was answered in the affirmative at least two centuries ago.
The history of living things is documented through multiple lines of evidence that converge to tell the story of life through time ...
The Creationist/ID-iot position is ludicrous, insupportable, dishonest, self-cancelling (through wholly internally referential rationalization), roundly dismissed by the vast majority of members belonging to the legitimate, accreditted, mainstream scientific and academic communities, and adherence to the fairytale-based cockamamie "Creationist/Intelligent Design Theory" betrays a paucity of intellectual honesty and achievement.
But then, its little wonder supermarket tabloids enjoy greater circulation than do scientific journals, or than do legitimate newspapers and periodicals, for that matter. The market for fiction, while insatiable, is fed quite easily. Non-fiction is a harder crop to grow, tougher to chew, and more work to digest, which, though it is more nourishing, is why it is embraced by a more selective, less easily satisfied demographic. As demonstrated, the Creationists/ID-iots are the ones given to innaccuracies, prevarications, mischaracterizations, falsehoods, red herrings, and straw men.
KJV, Luke 6:44)