real life wrote:timberlandko wrote:real life wrote:The reason that evolutionists often attempt to interpret the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics as only applying to 'isolated' or 'closed' systems is because if it applies to everything then it is a huge barrier to evolution, not a driver of evolution.
My earlier post and its accompanying documentation demonstrate the absurdity of that
Your earlier post was an admission that the 2nd Law applies to all systems, as I had stated, and as evolutionists often attempt to deny, including you
Poppycock, nonsense, tommyrot, and bullshit. Both of the posts of mine you reference make quite plain that the 2nd Law does not conform to the Creationist/ID-iot characterization of that law. Further, you present a straw man, in that explicitly mentioned and described was that the 2nd law performs to theoretical ideal only given theoretically perfect circumstances, circumstances which pertain only in theory, whereas in the real world, in the real universe, the 2nd Law does as it should, performs as predicted, IN CONJUNCTION WITH AND AS INFLUENCED BY OTHER EXTANT OPERATORS. The distribution of energy throughout the universe follows the 2nd Law, and it follows other laws and conforms to many accepted theories - all in all, behaving precisely as it actually is understood to behave, NOT AS CREATIONSTS/ID-IOTS PURPORT IT TO BEHAVE.
Quote:Since you were not any longer able to deny the obvious, you did a 180 and attempted to assert that the 2nd Law is the driver of evolution, an equally ridiculous claim.
I've denied nothing, "180"d nothing, rl, and certainly made no ridiculous claim - that practice is the exclusive province of Creationists/ID-iots, as so readilly and plainly your posts demonstrate.
Quote:That's about all that comprised your earlier post.
Evidently, there was far more to that post than accommodated by your capacity for understanding. Not much surprise to that.
Quote:You can't seem to make up your mind if the 2nd Law is the driver of evolution...........
..................or not applicable because the Earth is an 'open system'.
Straw man - no such circumstance as is required to sustain your objection obtains elsewhere than in your misconstrual and misrepresentation of what has been said.
Quote:But either way, you faithfully conclude that with or without the 2nd Law, a presupposition of evolution must reign, regardless.
Straw man - no presupposition is implied or expressly stated. What expressly is stated is that all available evidence supports and confirms evolution, from the cosmic scale all the way down to the subatomic, while there is available no evidence to the contrary, and further that such is the overwhelming consensus of the legitimate, relevantly credential, pertinently work-experienced academic,scientific, and professional communities, as reflected through the entire body of literature attendent thereto and additionally specifically itterated via unambiguous organazational and institutional public statements and declarations to that effect. That is not presupposition, that is statement of evidenced fact.
Quote:You're quite the switch hitter, and your willingness to play both sides against the middle effectively denies falsifiability to your evolutionary position, which makes it a position of faith, not science. Uh oh.
Again, poppycock, nonsense, tommyrot, and bullshit. I acknowledge, and proceed from, what is known and accepted, I acknowledge what is unknown, making no presumptions predicated thereon, but rather allow imprecision is attendant thereon, and I endorse further discovery and attendent greater precision of understanding. Creationists/ID-iots, however begin with the undemonstrated, therefore wholly, entirely, subjectively, self-fullfillingly presumptive, perforce logically and forensically invalid, hence absurd, proposition that "There must be a designer, therefore there is a designer."
Your proposition is founded in absurdity, an undemonstrated central premise, an unwarranted conclusion, and proceeds therefrom. While science is taken wherever the evidence takes it, drawing conclusions therefrom, adjusting, revising, and refining itself in the process, Creationists/ID-iots strive to take - or to manufacture - such evidence as they believe to be convenient for their proposition and bring it to somewhere near the neighborhood of the irrepairably absurd conclusion from which they begin. That just plain ain't science - that's bullshit.