Sat 30 Dec, 2006 08:15 am
I know that while MRI's are a wonderful diagnostic tool, these tests are not a good idea if the patient is wearing a pace maker or other metal appliances in the torso.
I have metal rods bolted in both femurs.
Does this make an MRI inadvisable?
I used to work in MRI years ago. Long bone implants and pins are usually made of non-ferrous metals which are fine for MRI exposure. However, they do cause some image distortion. You should be just fine. I do know, however that the magnetic strip on credit cards can be damaged as well as the intricate workings of a watch. Loose items such as pens,paper clips,earrings can fly out of your pocket towards the strong magnet and go through anything in its path towards the magnet(ie..people) Yes, pacemakers and aneurysm clips are no-no's but I'm sure the rods in your legs should be fine.
Blessings upon you! Nothing is more satisfactory than Instant Information--even if nothing can be done until Tuesday.
Many thanks.
Hold your dominion.
My mom had a recent MRI while also having an artificial knee and metal pins in her leg. She sets off the metal detectors at airports with her knee stuff. She was concerned about the magnet loosening the knee bits, but went safely through the MRI machine, although she did say it sounded like someone beating on drums.
Be sure to bring a kazoo so you can hum along to the beat, Noddy!
I've had MRI's in the past. The clank-clang-clank-clank is too irregular for a woman with my limited musical talent to use as syncopation for jamming tootling.
I think if Sensitive Souls ask Very Nicely they are given artificial tranquility.
Noddy24 wrote:Marty--
Blessings upon you! Nothing is more satisfactory than Instant Information--even if nothing can be done until Tuesday.
Many thanks.
Hold your dominion.
The least I could do after all the great advice you've given me along with kind words of encouragment
Thanks for the kind words.
had an mri a few years ago . nobody warned me of the noise this machine would make - i was ready to jump out !
when it was all over i was told : "oh , it's an old piece of equipment and it tends to get temperamental " .
turned out that my sinuses weren't so bad after all !
The MRI noise is horrendous and the random nature of the clanging and banging is special torture for a control freak. Still, clanging and banging is much better than blindly slicing and dicing.