Sandy "Pants" Berger is back in the news. It turns out the former National Security Adviser during the Clinton Administration was busy after his little visit to the National Archives. In fact, immediately following his five-finger discount routine, he hid classified documents under a construction trailer. Sounds like an honest mistake to me. So what punishment did Berger face for his little escapade?
First, a little history to refresh your memory. Sandy Berger was preparing for his testimony in front of the 9/11 Commission back in 2003...and was reviewing documents at the National Archives. It was during one of those visits that National Archives employees spotted Berger stuffing classified documents into his pants. But now we have more information. According to the Inspector General's report, here's what Sandy did when he rolled out of the National Archives:
"He headed toward a construction area. Mr. Berger looked up and down the street, up into the windows of the Archives and the Department of Justice, and did not see anyone," says the report. Berger then slid the documents under a construction trailer. He came back later to pick them up. Parts of the report were censored to protect national security. Now, as outrageous as all of this sounds, I have two major observations.
One, where is the mainstream media on all of this? If a Republican had done this...we would never hear the end of it. Would the media have let them off the hook so easily? Hardly. Second...and more importantly...what was Sandy Berger up to? What was he hiding? Why go through all of that effort to hide something? Up to this point, we don't know.
What we do know is that Berger was to testify to the 9/11 commission on what the Clinton Administration did or did not know about any links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda .. among other things.
Does anyone know what was in those documents? There had to be a reason Sandy Berger was stealing top-secret documents and destroying them. We'll probably never know.