steissd wrote:
The main difference between Roadmap and the Oslo treaty is an accent on reciprocal actions of both sides. Palestinians have not done anything yet to stop terror, except declarations. Israel will not permit to make a fool out of it the second successive time. Only when our counterparts in the political process undertake serious steps aimed to put end to terror, there will be a reason to demand us to proceed with concessions. The time of free of charge gifts to Palestinians has gone, they proved their ingratitude since September 2000. Now for every square angstrom of territory given to them they should pay with real contribution to concerted anti-terror effort.
Unfortunately, Steissd, it is that kind of thinking on both sides of this terrible problem that cause it to continue to be a terrible problem.
My folks originally came from the Mediterranean littoral. They are, for the most part, a bunch of stone heads who never forget a slight - and almost never forgive an injustice.
That kind of thinking is endemic to the peoples of the littoral.
I've tried hard during the last several months to be optimistic about the chances of peace in the Middle East, but I think I had it right the first time. It will never happen.
Best thing the United States can do is to butt out - and let the people who live there sort this thing out on their own. We are not nearly impartial enough to be moderators - or purveyors of peace plans.