Thu 14 Dec, 2006 10:56 am
'World's most remote' pub up for sale
One of the world's most remote pubs has gone up for sale - and is expected to fetch up to £4 million.
The Birdsville Hotel in the Australian outback is 875 miles from the nearest city, Brisbane.
The pub, on the edge of the Simpson Desert, is one of the most famous in Australia and is visited by about 45,000 travellers each year.
Jo Fort, who has owned the Birdsville with her husband, Kym, for 27 years, said: "Sometimes you've got to know when enough's enough."
Mrs Fort said that there had been considerable interest in the sale: "People who don't even drink beer have a beer in the front bar here," she said.
The first European explorer to venture into the area was explorer Charles Sturt who described it as a "desperate region having no parallel on Earth".
Doesn't really look like my kind of place... and I don't have £4 million, how ever much that is. :wink:
Occom Bill
OCCOM BILL wrote:Doesn't really look like my kind of place... and I don't have £4 million, how ever much that is. :wink:
Oh my, are you being a pub snob?
BBB :wink:
Your photo is The day after the birdsville races.
Quote:Attracting between 5000- 6000 visitors from all over the world, the Birdsville Races 2006 is an event that you'll be talking about for years to come.
Birdsville races
And $ is the correct sign for our currency.
Hmmmm...if it is Pounds Sterling, that is about $10 million Oz dollars
and about $7,826,475.3 US
About 45,000 travellers visit the hotel every year.
45,000 X $30.00 avg per head = $1,350,000 t/o
yup I could see 5-10 mill.
My apologies occomm, I see the original artical was in the times