Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 05:24 pm

You may not care that the interest rate for the US is set by the private London Company that is the FED.

The interest rate determines the level of debt, and that level sets the Tax rate. Jeeze, it's like talking to a baby.


That has to be one of the silliest things I have ever seen.

The interest rate for US debt is set by auctions to the public.

The interest rate only determines the interest rate. The debt is caused by deficit spending. Yes, higher interest rates means it costs more for the government to borrow money driving up the deficit but they wouldn't have to borrow if there wasn't a deficit to begin with. Because we have deficit spending the tax rate is independent of the debt level. The tax rate is in no way tied to US debt. It's too bad it isn't but we have cut taxes and made the debt go up. Eventually, we will have to pay off some of that debt which means future tax rates will probably have to go up but in the short term tax rates are completely independent of the debt.
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 11:57 pm
Tryagain wrote:
Parados wrote, "The above is plagerized word for word…"

You do make I laugh; I find it impossible to take seriously a miss-spelt allegation.

The word is:

You are fixated by the author, when you should address the content. You ask others to prove a negative, which you should know is impossible. It is not my intention to convince you of anything; only to inform.

For example:

"As a result of bankers meeting at Jekyll Island during the week of November 22, 1910"

Are you seriously suggesting any casual reader would reasonably believe I was there?

Allegations, more allegations and personal insults: the last refuge of a lost cause.

There is a popular belief within certain members that you are attempting to turn this collection of works (probably the largest on the web) into some kind of joke.

My professional advice is: You should seek immediate medical attention.

(I mean that in a good way)

Rep. Louis T. McFadden (R. Pa.) rose from office boy to become cashier and then President of the First National Bank in Canton Ohio. For 12 years he served as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, making him one of the foremost financial authorities in America. He fought continuously for fiscal integrity and a return to constitutional government. The following are portions of Rep. McFadden's speech, quoted from the Congressional Record, pages 12595-12603:


The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost this country ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY THE NATIONAL DEBT SEVERAL TIMES OVER."

About the Federal Reserve banks, Rep. McFadden said, "They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; the rich and predatory money lenders. This is an era of economic misery and for the reasons that caused that misery, the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks are fully liable."

On the subject of media control he state, "Half a million dollars was spent on one part of the propaganda organized by those same European bankers for the purpose of misleading public opinion in regard to it."

Rep. McFadden continued, "Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power but the truth is the Federal Reserve Board has USURPED THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. IT CONTROLS EVERYTHING HERE AND IT CONTROLS ALL OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS. IT MAKES AND BREAKS GOVERNMENTS AT WILL.

No man and no body of men is more entrenched in power than the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. These evil-doers have robbed this country of more than enough money to pay the national debt. What the Government has permitted the Federal Reserve Board to steal from the people should now be restored to the people."

"Our people's money to the extent of $1,200,000,000 has within the last few months been shipped abroad to redeem Federal Reserve Notes and to pay other gambling debts of the traitorous Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The greater part of our monetary stock has been shipped to foreigners. Why should we promise to pay the debts of foreigners to foreigners? Why should American Farmers and wage earners add millions of foreigners to the number of their dependents? Why should the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks be permitted to finance our competitors in all parts of the world?" Rep. McFadden asked.

"The Federal Reserve Act should be repealed and the Federal Reserve banks, having violated their charters, should be liquidated immediately.


Richard wrote, "That's fine. I can disagree without being disagreeable."

Amen to that brother; I predict it will fall on deaf ears!!!

Of course it has fallen on deaf ears. He shows he cannot listen by his posts. How many times do I have to repeat myself to this guy.
When people ask the IRS to cite them the law, they dont say title 26.. they dont say section 1.. they SAY NOTHING... period.

Ive shown this guy videos and such but he is too irrational and emotional to actually consider he has been fooled by this entire thing.

He doesnt understand the federal reserve, he doesnt understand how the income tax was created to finance the federal reserve, and ill bet he doesnt understand the first thing about treasury auctions either....

because if treasury "auctions" work like the "auctions" on the NYSE, or NASDAQ, then they are not auctions but private markets controlled by the specialists in each particular stock...

But dont knock Parados too much.. He's good at reading text books and regurgitating things; he just doesnt understand them...

and Parados; understanding only comes when you have an open mind enough to admit you might be wrong about something and are willing to look at it from the other side you arent familiar with.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 09:18 am
Richard Saunders wrote:

Of course it has fallen on deaf ears. He shows he cannot listen by his posts. How many times do I have to repeat myself to this guy.
When people ask the IRS to cite them the law, they dont say title 26.. they dont say section 1.. they SAY NOTHING... period.
LOL. so you have a video of someone from the IRS not answering your question and that is supposed to prove they never answered it? Gee, I have a video of astronauts walking in the desert. Can I claim that proves they never walked on the moon?

Ive shown this guy videos and such but he is too irrational and emotional to actually consider he has been fooled by this entire thing.
And meanwhile you are completely sane because you believe something has never occurred because it didn't occur a couple of times. I suggest you go take a logic class.

He doesnt understand the federal reserve, he doesnt understand how the income tax was created to finance the federal reserve, and ill bet he doesnt understand the first thing about treasury auctions either....

because if treasury "auctions" work like the "auctions" on the NYSE, or NASDAQ, then they are not auctions but private markets controlled by the specialists in each particular stock...

But dont knock Parados too much.. He's good at reading text books and regurgitating things; he just doesnt understand them...

and Parados; understanding only comes when you have an open mind enough to admit you might be wrong about something and are willing to look at it from the other side you arent familiar with.
Your argument is nothing more than circumstancial ad hominem. You still have NOT addressed the law itself. Something that I still predict will never occur in spite of the title of this thread being specifically about the income tax law.
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 10:11 am
Like Ive said before Parados, you just keep believing what you want thats fine.. Im not going to try and change your mind.. That can only come from you. After all, there was a time I believed everything you did, but then I learned there was more to it.

Still the simple pretext of showing the law would solve this problem. The IRS wont do it ever. Not just once or twice but all the time they refuse to do this one very simple thing which would invalidate many a tax protesors argument.

The argument cannot be solved from you nor I because we do not speak for the IRS. Until the IRS shows the law; its a moot point. They will not show the law and are basically forcing the issue to go through the Supreme Court - which will take years. One cannot help but wonder why.

A suggestion I have for you though is when you read and learn do not try to just memorize what you're reading, but understand it from other angles. Study what happened in the year 1913 and really think about it. We all know that every story has 2 sides to it so try thinking about the facts until you understand both sides.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 11:35 am
You have been shown the law.

You have been shown that the IRS does cite the law on their website.

Who is the one refusing to see? Who is the one refusing to actually discuss the law itself? I can understand the IRS frustration of showing the law, but the people they show refusing to see. I can also understand the court's frustration. The courts have bent over backwards for the tax protester idiots but no more.

Every story has many sides. Think "Rashomon." But some of those sides don't make logical sense. Your side is one of those loony explanations that defies logic and rational thought.

When you are actually willing to discuss the law as the law is written then maybe we can find some common ground. As long as you live in your fantasy world and ignore the law we will never have a conversation on equal footing.

Here is a wonderful piece on the "tax-deniers" by a libertarian that says the income tax law may be immoral but it isn't illegal or unconstitutional.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 11:48 am
Another piece by Sheldon Richman, who opposes the income tax, that pokes holes in most of the arguments presented by income tax deniers. It is a must read for anyone that thinks Try and Richard have made any good points.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 04:58 pm
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 05:55 pm
parados wrote:
You have been shown the law.

You have been shown that the IRS does cite the law on their website.

Who is the one refusing to see? Who is the one refusing to actually discuss the law itself? I can understand the IRS frustration of showing the law, but the people they show refusing to see. I can also understand the court's frustration. The courts have bent over backwards for the tax protester idiots but no more.

Every story has many sides. Think "Rashomon." But some of those sides don't make logical sense. Your side is one of those loony explanations that defies logic and rational thought.

When you are actually willing to discuss the law as the law is written then maybe we can find some common ground. As long as you live in your fantasy world and ignore the law we will never have a conversation on equal footing.

Here is a wonderful piece on the "tax-deniers" by a libertarian that says the income tax law may be immoral but it isn't illegal or unconstitutional.

I can only reply to you with the same message as before because sort of like what Try has said to you: I know what I know, you only think you know what I know.

So here is my same reply again:

Like Ive said before Parados, you just keep believing what you want thats fine.. Im not going to try and change your mind.. That can only come from you. After all, there was a time I believed everything you did, but then I learned there was more to it.

Still the simple pretext of showing the law would solve this problem. The IRS wont do it ever. Not just once or twice but all the time they refuse to do this one very simple thing which would invalidate many a tax protesors argument.

The argument cannot be solved from you nor I because we do not speak for the IRS. Until the IRS shows the law; its a moot point. They will not show the law and are basically forcing the issue to go through the Supreme Court - which will take years. One cannot help but wonder why.

A suggestion I have for you though is when you read and learn do not try to just memorize what you're reading, but understand it from other angles. Study what happened in the year 1913 and really think about it. We all know that every story has 2 sides to it so try thinking about the facts until you understand both sides.
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Tue 21 Aug, 2007 06:03 pm
Tryagain wrote:


Honestly he is not going to understand it. He doesnt even understand that the country rents its own currency from a private bank To him the debt and deficit will be 'unimportant'. A system of values that will be justified through the value of improvements to the national infrastructure, etcetera.

He doesnt understand. He either has cognitive dissonance or he has a vested interest in maintaining an ambigious tax code for his own benefit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 03:38 pm
Yeah, right the IRS never cites any code..

They only publish a brochure that gives the code that requires you to pay.
The requirement to file an income tax return is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in sections 6011(a), 6012(a), et seq., and 6072(a). See also Treas. Reg. § 1.6011-1(a).

The Law: The requirement to pay taxes is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, which imposes a tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts as determined by the tables set forth in that section. (Section 11 imposes a tax on the taxable income of corporations.)
Furthermore, the obligation to pay tax is described in section 6151, which requires taxpayers to submit payment with their tax returns. Failure to pay taxes could subject the noncomplying individual to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as well as civil penalties.

The Law: For federal income tax purposes, "gross income" means all income from whatever source derived and includes compensation for services. I.R.C. § 61. Any income, from whatever source, is presumed to be income under section 61, unless the taxpayer can establish that it is specifically exempted or excluded. In Reese v. United States, 24 F.3d 228, 231 (Fed. Cir. 1994), the court stated, "an abiding principle of federal tax law is that, absent an enumerated exception, gross income means all income from whatever source derived."

But don't let that stop you from claiming the "NEVER" have done it. It seems "never" has a completely different meaning in your reality.

It's not surprising that neither of you understood the "Rashomon" reference as you continue with your logical fallacies.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 03:45 pm
Richard Saunders wrote:

Honestly he is not going to understand it. He doesnt even understand that the country rents its own currency from a private bank To him the debt and deficit will be 'unimportant'. A system of values that will be justified through the value of improvements to the national infrastructure, etcetera.

He doesnt understand. He either has cognitive dissonance or he has a vested interest in maintaining an ambigious tax code for his own benefit.

Wow.. what a strawman.

The Fed provides the US currency. I have never denied that. I just don't agree that the FED is the only force that can cause inflation.

The debt and deficit are important. I have never claimed they weren't important. Unlike some on this thread I know the difference between debt and deficit. I also know that the interest on the debt is not the initial cause of our debt. Debt is caused by deficit spending. Debt is also caused by borrowing from trust funds that have surpluses.

You could try discussing what I have actually said Richard. Let's start with the Tax code and how you think the sections I have cited requiring you to pay income taxes are "ambiguous." Is "every individual" ambiguous? It seems pretty clear to me. Please explain how you are not an individual. Are you a part of the collective and therefor not an individual?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 05:09 pm
Parados, I am genuinely sorry to read you suffer from a cognitive dissonance, it sounds bad; get well soon buddy!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 06:57 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2007 07:01 pm
Today, unlike the 50's anyone can purchase US treasury securities in the auction. You only need to open an account, put up the money, and bid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 12:54 pm
First I am compelled to attend to the following:

"Today, unlike the 50's anyone can purchase US treasury securities in the auction. You only need to open an account, put up the money, and bid."

For once you are quite right, probably a mistake on your part, but nevertheless accidents do happen.

Why were the rules changes after 100 years?

Yes! You guessed it; the stench of corruption became so powerful and the accounts of the few so large it had to be made to appear as if it were open and honest.

So go try to open an account and buy something…Good luck!

What's with the FED?

I keep getting asked all the time, the same old question over and over; "Ok $hit for brains, so what's the answer?"

Before I reveal the answer I would like to make it clear; that if the government steals it…I want $10,000,000


Currently all we do is exchange FED money (interest attached) for real U.S. money (interest-free) dollar for dollar as Kennedy tried to do. We should not be required to pay interest on our own currency. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons we fought the Revolutionary War. Today we are still fighting the same family of bankers.

The U.S. Government can buy back the FED at any time for $450 million (per Congressional record). The U.S. Treasury could then collect all the profit on our money instead of the 300 original shareholders of the FED. The $4 trillion of U.S. debt could be exchanged dollar for dollar with U.S. non- interest bearing currency when the debt becomes due. There would be no inflation because there would be no additional currency in circulation.

Personal income tax could be cut if we bought back the FED and therefore, the economy would expand. According to the Constitution, Congress is to control the creation of money, keeping the amount of inflation or deflation in check. If Congress isn't doing their job, they should be voted out of office. Unfortunately, voters can't vote the FED or its Chairman out of office.

If the government has a deficit, we could handle it as Lincoln and Kennedy did. Print money and circulate it into the economy, but this time interest-free. Today the FED, through foreign banks, owns much of our debt and therefore controls us. The FED will cease to exist as taxpayers become informed and tell other taxpayers. The news media and Congress will have no choice but to meet the demands of grass roots America.

Can anyone find a single fault with that line of thinking?

Apart from Parados; all comments most welcome.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2007 04:14 pm
Tryagain wrote:
First I am compelled to attend to the following:

"Today, unlike the 50's anyone can purchase US treasury securities in the auction. You only need to open an account, put up the money, and bid."

For once you are quite right, probably a mistake on your part, but nevertheless accidents do happen.

Why were the rules changes after 100 years?

Yes! You guessed it; the stench of corruption became so powerful and the accounts of the few so large it had to be made to appear as if it were open and honest.

So go try to open an account and buy something…Good luck!
So rather than deal with reality you will just pretend reality doesn't exist. Lots of people buy treasuries with personal accounts. I would suggest it as the best way as opposed to using the secondary market where institutional sellers mark up the treasuries.


What's with the FED?

I keep getting asked all the time, the same old question over and over; "Ok $hit for brains, so what's the answer?"

Before I reveal the answer I would like to make it clear; that if the government steals it…I want $10,000,000


Currently all we do is exchange FED money (interest attached) for real U.S. money (interest-free) dollar for dollar as Kennedy tried to do. We should not be required to pay interest on our own currency. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons we fought the Revolutionary War. Today we are still fighting the same family of bankers.

The U.S. Government can buy back the FED at any time for $450 million (per Congressional record). The U.S. Treasury could then collect all the profit on our money instead of the 300 original shareholders of the FED. The $4 trillion of U.S. debt could be exchanged dollar for dollar with U.S. non- interest bearing currency when the debt becomes due. There would be no inflation because there would be no additional currency in circulation.

Personal income tax could be cut if we bought back the FED and therefore, the economy would expand. According to the Constitution, Congress is to control the creation of money, keeping the amount of inflation or deflation in check. If Congress isn't doing their job, they should be voted out of office. Unfortunately, voters can't vote the FED or its Chairman out of office.

If the government has a deficit, we could handle it as Lincoln and Kennedy did. Print money and circulate it into the economy, but this time interest-free. Today the FED, through foreign banks, owns much of our debt and therefore controls us. The FED will cease to exist as taxpayers become informed and tell other taxpayers. The news media and Congress will have no choice but to meet the demands of grass roots America.

Can anyone find a single fault with that line of thinking?

Apart from Parados; all comments most welcome.
Let's start by examining some of the factual errors. Kennedy didn't print money to handle the deficit. The government borrowed money when Kennedy was President.

See Table 1.1 and Table 7.1 here

Not only did the amount of debt held by the Public go up while Kennedy was President so did the debt held by the Federal Reserve.

The second glaring error is the idea that the government could print as much money as it wanted to without inflation. Elementary economics tells you that when a government prints money instead of using tax revenue it creates inflation. It doesn't matter who controls the monetary system for the government.

To pay its bills, the government printed money, pushing inflation to the highest levels in the world.
Zimbabwa inflation
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 01:37 am
parados wrote:
Tryagain wrote:
First I am compelled to attend to the following:

"Today, unlike the 50's anyone can purchase US treasury securities in the auction. You only need to open an account, put up the money, and bid."

For once you are quite right, probably a mistake on your part, but nevertheless accidents do happen.

Why were the rules changes after 100 years?

Yes! You guessed it; the stench of corruption became so powerful and the accounts of the few so large it had to be made to appear as if it were open and honest.

So go try to open an account and buy something…Good luck!
So rather than deal with reality you will just pretend reality doesn't exist. Lots of people buy treasuries with personal accounts. I would suggest it as the best way as opposed to using the secondary market where institutional sellers mark up the treasuries.


What's with the FED?

I keep getting asked all the time, the same old question over and over; "Ok $hit for brains, so what's the answer?"

Before I reveal the answer I would like to make it clear; that if the government steals it…I want $10,000,000


Currently all we do is exchange FED money (interest attached) for real U.S. money (interest-free) dollar for dollar as Kennedy tried to do. We should not be required to pay interest on our own currency. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons we fought the Revolutionary War. Today we are still fighting the same family of bankers.

The U.S. Government can buy back the FED at any time for $450 million (per Congressional record). The U.S. Treasury could then collect all the profit on our money instead of the 300 original shareholders of the FED. The $4 trillion of U.S. debt could be exchanged dollar for dollar with U.S. non- interest bearing currency when the debt becomes due. There would be no inflation because there would be no additional currency in circulation.

Personal income tax could be cut if we bought back the FED and therefore, the economy would expand. According to the Constitution, Congress is to control the creation of money, keeping the amount of inflation or deflation in check. If Congress isn't doing their job, they should be voted out of office. Unfortunately, voters can't vote the FED or its Chairman out of office.

If the government has a deficit, we could handle it as Lincoln and Kennedy did. Print money and circulate it into the economy, but this time interest-free. Today the FED, through foreign banks, owns much of our debt and therefore controls us. The FED will cease to exist as taxpayers become informed and tell other taxpayers. The news media and Congress will have no choice but to meet the demands of grass roots America.

Can anyone find a single fault with that line of thinking?

Apart from Parados; all comments most welcome.
Let's start by examining some of the factual errors. Kennedy didn't print money to handle the deficit. The government borrowed money when Kennedy was President.

See Table 1.1 and Table 7.1 here

Not only did the amount of debt held by the Public go up while Kennedy was President so did the debt held by the Federal Reserve.

The second glaring error is the idea that the government could print as much money as it wanted to without inflation. Elementary economics tells you that when a government prints money instead of using tax revenue it creates inflation. It doesn't matter who controls the monetary system for the government.

To pay its bills, the government printed money, pushing inflation to the highest levels in the world.
Zimbabwa inflation

Like Ive said before Parados, you just keep believing what you want thats fine.. Im not going to try and change your mind.. That can only come from you. After all, there was a time I believed everything you did, but then I learned there was more to it.

Still the simple pretext of showing the law would solve this problem. The IRS wont do it ever. Not just once or twice but all the time they refuse to do this one very simple thing which would invalidate many a tax protesors argument.

The argument cannot be solved from you nor I because we do not speak for the IRS. Until the IRS shows the law; its a moot point. They will not show the law and are basically forcing the issue to go through the Supreme Court - which will take years. One cannot help but wonder why.

A suggestion I have for you though is when you read and learn do not try to just memorize what you're reading, but understand it from other angles. Study what happened in the year 1913 and really think about it. We all know that every story has 2 sides to it so try thinking about the facts until you understand both sides.
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 01:39 am
Tryagain wrote:
First I am compelled to attend to the following:

"Today, unlike the 50's anyone can purchase US treasury securities in the auction. You only need to open an account, put up the money, and bid."

For once you are quite right, probably a mistake on your part, but nevertheless accidents do happen.

Why were the rules changes after 100 years?

Yes! You guessed it; the stench of corruption became so powerful and the accounts of the few so large it had to be made to appear as if it were open and honest.

So go try to open an account and buy something…Good luck!

What's with the FED?

I keep getting asked all the time, the same old question over and over; "Ok $hit for brains, so what's the answer?"

Before I reveal the answer I would like to make it clear; that if the government steals it…I want $10,000,000


Currently all we do is exchange FED money (interest attached) for real U.S. money (interest-free) dollar for dollar as Kennedy tried to do. We should not be required to pay interest on our own currency. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons we fought the Revolutionary War. Today we are still fighting the same family of bankers.

The U.S. Government can buy back the FED at any time for $450 million (per Congressional record). The U.S. Treasury could then collect all the profit on our money instead of the 300 original shareholders of the FED. The $4 trillion of U.S. debt could be exchanged dollar for dollar with U.S. non- interest bearing currency when the debt becomes due. There would be no inflation because there would be no additional currency in circulation.

Personal income tax could be cut if we bought back the FED and therefore, the economy would expand. According to the Constitution, Congress is to control the creation of money, keeping the amount of inflation or deflation in check. If Congress isn't doing their job, they should be voted out of office. Unfortunately, voters can't vote the FED or its Chairman out of office.

If the government has a deficit, we could handle it as Lincoln and Kennedy did. Print money and circulate it into the economy, but this time interest-free. Today the FED, through foreign banks, owns much of our debt and therefore controls us. The FED will cease to exist as taxpayers become informed and tell other taxpayers. The news media and Congress will have no choice but to meet the demands of grass roots America.

Can anyone find a single fault with that line of thinking?

Apart from Parados; all comments most welcome.


Currently all we do is exchange FED money (interest attached) for real U.S. money (interest-free) dollar for dollar as Kennedy tried to do. We should not be required to pay interest on our own currency. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons we fought the Revolutionary War. Today we are still fighting the same family of bankers.

Hey Thats ME!. Richard Saunders!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2007 08:41 am
Richard Saunders wrote:
Like Ive said before Parados, you just keep believing what you want thats fine.. Im not going to try and change your mind.. That can only come from you. After all, there was a time I believed everything you did, but then I learned there was more to it.
Oh, the irony of this statement as you repeat it for the third time without ever dealing with anything I have cited in response. You might want to try your own advice and read what the IRS actually prints before you repeat your tired argument again. I don't need to change your mind. My goal isn't to change your mind. My goal is to point out the gaping errors in your arguments to others that you might hope to persuade.

Still the simple pretext of showing the law would solve this problem. The IRS wont do it ever.
I linked to a printed brochure that the IRS distributes that does precisely what you said they don't do.
Not just once or twice but all the time they refuse to do this one very simple thing which would invalidate many a tax protesors argument.

The argument cannot be solved from you nor I because we do not speak for the IRS.
No, the IRS speaks for the IRS
Until the IRS shows the law; its a moot point.
They will not show the law and are basically forcing the issue to go through the Supreme Court - which will take years. One cannot help but wonder why.

A suggestion I have for you though is when you read and learn do not try to just memorize what you're reading, but understand it from other angles. Study what happened in the year 1913 and really think about it. We all know that every story has 2 sides to it so try thinking about the facts until you understand both sides.
Perhaps you should stop repeating arguments that have been shown to be false about how the IRS doesn't cite the law.

These are all quotes from the IRS publication you say doesn't exist even though it can be found by following the link I provided.

The requirement to file an income tax return is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in sections 6011(a), 6012(a), et seq., and 6072(a). See also Treas. Reg. § 1.6011-1(a).

The Law: The requirement to pay taxes is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, which imposes a tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts as determined by the tables set forth in that section. (Section 11 imposes a tax on the taxable income of corporations.)
Furthermore, the obligation to pay tax is described in section 6151, which requires taxpayers to submit payment with their tax returns. Failure to pay taxes could subject the noncomplying individual to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as well as civil penalties.

The Law: For federal income tax purposes, "gross income" means all income from whatever source derived and includes compensation for services. I.R.C. § 61. Any income, from whatever source, is presumed to be income under section 61, unless the taxpayer can establish that it is specifically exempted or excluded. In Reese v. United States, 24 F.3d 228, 231 (Fed. Cir. 1994), the court stated, "an abiding principle of federal tax law is that, absent an enumerated exception, gross income means all income from whatever source derived."

To paraphrase Twain.. Who should we believe? You or our lying eyes as we see the IRS cite the law requiring people to pay income tax?
0 Replies
Richard Saunders
Reply Sat 25 Aug, 2007 01:29 am

Can you show me a statement from the IRS that says:

"The following law is what requires an ordinary American citizen to pay an income tax on their labor and wages....(law citation)"
0 Replies

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