Mon 23 Jun, 2003 06:23 pm
Spring arrived ... and with it, heavy flooding in the area, including my basement. There was a huge mess, but the upside is we got rid of a lot of unknown stuff that had been in unmarked cardboard boxes for untold years. Got The Farm Chores For Spring pretty well caught up, took a few days off, boarded The Puppies (except Sam and Pebbles, who came with us) with freinds, arranged care for The Ponies and Other Critters, and went Totally-Out-Of-Touch Camping ... didn't even bring a cell phone. Got home to discover an electrical fault (flooding-related, probably) in the garage had started a fire which smoldered unnoticed for a while, then reached the area where flammables like gasoline, oil, and propane were stored. The natural progression of events from that point brought the fire to the attention of just about the entire Township (kinda sorry I missed that; I understand it was quite spectacular ... Oh, Well). The Volunteer Fire Department was unable to save the garage, but did manage to contain and confine fire damage affecting the house to pretty much just the corner closest to the garage. That corner included the master bedroom and the office, and was pretty well wiped out. There was lots of smoke and water damage throughout the remaining structure (even soot inside cabinets in the kitchen), and, of course, about four feet of VERY dirty water in the recently-pumped-out basement. Anyhow, reconstruction is about done (thank goodness for great assistance from The Insurance Company). The house has been restored more or less to The Way It Was, with a little correction of stuff I was gonna get around to some day anyway. Everything cloth or upholstered (clothing, furniture, carpets, etc) REEKED of smoke ... some just got thrown out, some was rehabillitated by a commercial service. We're back living in the house, the DSL line is working again, and life is getting back to normal. The only casualties were The Parakeets, but now there is a central alarm system with smoke and heat sensors in every room. I'm sure now that I've gone to that expense, there will be no further cause to trust or employ the instalation. The new garage is a bit further from the house. That's the whole story, and I think I'm back to normal. I know I said that once before, so I'll avoid putting it into absolute terms.
Nice to have you back, Big Bird.
Sorry to hear about your little birds.
Well, I didn't like that story!
I am, however, thrilled to see you again.
I've missed seeing you around, and hearing your tales about nights on the snow plow etc.
I am glad you and your D.W. are well, and that the house will be ship-shape soon.
Welcome back, timber!
Glad to hear you got out safe; that's the important thing. Everything else is gravy; and who needs gravy? Glad to see you back. c.i.
Oh, Timber, that is amazing. I glad you all were unharmed (but the birds, schnif) and that in the end things are probably set up even better. Tough thing though. We had a fire get the building next door to our work studio a couple of years ago, just missed all our drawings, books, etc. going bye bye. And my former house had a fire a year after we left... all very scary. Welcome back, we all missed you a lot.
Woof! Nice to have you back, guy. Sorry about the mess...
Were you gone? <jk> Timber, I knew you weren't posting but, y'know, I assumed that you were posting under an assumed name for fun... maybe as one of the new conservatives.
Glad the fire happened while you were gone. Definitely the best way to have one. Where'd you go camping? Were you in a truck, a camper, a trailer, or ... what??? (Curious readers want to know.)
Aw, Timber, I was asking around about you. So sorry to hear that tale. Wow. Glad you are OK, sorry about the parakeets.
We took a tent, Piffka ... folding chairs, sleeping bags, Coleman Stove and Lantern, Igloo Cooler, that sort of thing. Nothing "Modern", and we went to a remote "Walk-In" area ... it was wonderful; no other campers, no phone, no TV, no computer ... I'm kinda bummed about the fire, but we enjoyed the getaway immensely. Hey, thanks for the kind words and good wishes, everybody. I really appreciate that.
Oh, and for those who might be curious, the only Alter Ego I'll ever use on this website is
MODERATOR. Besides, most folks could pick out my writing style and attitude no matter what name I used
You were really missed.
Glad you're back.
Thankful you didn't lose more than you did.
And the hot-tub? It's OK?
Oh! Hoping the hot-tub is OK.
Mr Stillwater, is that Gene Wilder?
oh timber..glad all is well now and that you were able to rebuild and readjust...sorry bout the birds but, glad all the rest are well!
Glad you are back now again, timber!
Glad to have you back safe and sound, timber.
(Littlek - that is definitely Gene Wilder!)
(Is that Gene Wilder... that's young Frankenstein, 'k.)
Sorry to hear about the troubles, Timber. I'm glad you were somewhere immune to bad news for a while.
Welcome back Timber and glad it was confined - we know things could be worse and are truly thankful when we escape with all our loved ones intact. Good luck in the future, you need a bunch of good things to make up for the recent past! Maybe another secluded camping trip for a longer period of time - now that is an idea for an A2K gathering