A2K camping! I love that idea!
Somewhere near a very very very big lake, maybe even a Great Lake?
As I re-read your post I realized that you suffered a lot of trouble with flooding first, then took a short vacation (Sounds great, we tent camp, too.) then returned to a disaster which also took a while to fix. Just think, while you were making fires in the woods....
My first reading was that you were gone for ALL of it. I'm glad the insurance company was helpful and that it is almost all behind you now. Here's to a calm rest-of-the-year! So, I'm glad you're back, all spiffy and with no smoke-damage left to speak of. (Especially glad that the ponies and puppies were saved.)
Camping -- now there is a good idea. I've got some recommendations in California, but that's probably not very helpful for most folks...
Timber, I can't believe it

I just asked about you on my thread?
Glad all is well, and hope you had a great time camping in primitive fashion. Sorry, about those little birds and glad the fire wasn't worse.
Yes to camping. But, please reserve a parking lot in a large metropolitan area.... with electricity hook-up. Gotta have that blow dryer. And, bugs? I scream sort of loud when I see insects.
Thank you. :wink:
Hi Timber, missed your comments, even visited your home page and sure enough you hadn't posted for a while. Welcome back, new house and all.
Our house in Michigan was destroyed about 10 years ago. It roared through the attic and cooked everything below. Yes, there was soot even in the dresser drawers. Some things blazed while others, like a roll of toilet paper in the half-bath was intact and felt like solid wood. Odd, we lost a lot of things but were able to save photos in albums.
We did get an entirely new house except for the ledge rock outside. Read recently that there is a data bank that insurance companies can check when people apply for homeowners insurance now, and they can charge a higher price for ins., or give a new homeowner none at all. Or, is that just in TX? (the mold from floods has been expensive to clean up, fix, or have house rebuilt).
Camping somewhere with cool summers sounds nice just now.
Psst, Timber - can we 'accidently' camp out around this town?
Reckon I can get some of the girls to bunk down with me :wink:
Save me from the big bug, Gene Wilder!
You're all welcome to come here for camping ... but be aware that the local breed of mosquito would have those spiders cowering in their webs